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Cheep Treatment for Laziness
Salvia divinorum & Betel Nut
Citation:   4vcoyotetrip. "Cheep Treatment for Laziness: An Experience with Salvia divinorum & Betel Nut (exp8512)". Erowid.org. Jul 29, 2004. erowid.org/exp/8512

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  smoked Betel Nut
    smoked Salvia divinorum
I have been suffering from a cripling and demoralizing desiease for many years. During first grade I was put on ritilan to put an end to my lack of energy. This did help while on the drug but I became very depressed at my machine like behavior so had to stop. Since i started that at a young age i beleive that it stimulated my nightly dreams (much the same way cocain did to froid) Those dreams breed in me the desire to be a master of that world and have lead me down my heart choosen path of neo-shamanisum, psychology, intuitive phenomenon, lucid dreaming and psychedelics.
The ritilan did not have a positive long term affect it tore my personality apart; making me feel much like the boys and girls in the pink floyd masterpiece 'the wall'. I have since stopped taking prescription medicine for this problem.

Afer a few years of middle school I discovered marijuana which gave me a new sense of personaltity and intellect; the drug has shown me glimpses of spritual enlightenment and glimpses of physical/social hell (cops). After I stoped abusing the drug daily I found a long lost probablem of my character rising from the bottom of my conscious laziness. Which had left me during both my ritilan and my everyday-cannabis days. I have today found a mild treatment for this handicap.

The pipe was packed with powerdered betel nut(simple mortar and pestle were used) mixed with salvia (to help it burn) I imagine any leafy sort of herb could be used, calea is another possibility. I don't have any pot right now but i imagine that would work better. Any way it gave me a spark to get up and vacum the house, work out, and do my homework. These sort of things my mind usually over looks seeing them as dull or unworthy to waste my time with. BUT it is that very thought process that is wasting my life right now.

The betel nut gave me the ability to 'just do it' and not feel begrudged with the lame rituals. Actually i noticed a smile on my face as i lifted the painful weights (just for fun).

It is stimulating more so then caffein but shorter lived (i don't have a tolerance to it like i do caffein either) and it also has a calming affect that i have never experienced with caffein. Any way just thought i'd tell you, that it gave me the ability to sit down and do my homework, without getting gittery or getting space-out.
peace to my brothers and sisters

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8512
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 29, 2004Views: 625
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Betel Nut (92), Salvia divinorum (44) : Alone (16), General (1)

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