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Voacanga africana & Morning Glory Seeds
Citation:   bry-bry w.. "Booooo!: An Experience with Voacanga africana & Morning Glory Seeds (exp85140)". Feb 21, 2018.

100 seeds oral Voacanga africana (ground / crushed)
  1 oz oral Morning Glory (seeds)
I've tried it alone a couple times and discerned little effect other then a mild stimulation with slight vision distortion, tried it with a sugar cube of LSD, and then gave it one last chance with a high dose with Morning Glory seeds.

In an attempt to cut down on possible nausea, I used a coffee grinder to make the seeds into a fine powder for capsulation. Oh it should also be noted I've tried both the bark (which has an alleged alkaloid content of only 2%) and the seeds (which allegedly contain up to 10% alkaloids). Due to the non-existent effect I got from the 1/4OZ. of bark made into a tea, I've limited my research to the seeds only. I actually still have 3/4th's of the bark I ordered from an excellent vendor I've been a long-time customer of (mainly for Kratom, as opioids are my drug of choice). The seeds, while weak in effect, did at least have some distinguishable effects.

When consumed with an ounce of Heavenly Blue Morning Glory Seeds, which contain LSA, additional effects unlike LSA's were noted. An ounce is a light trip for me so it was not placebo effect, as I tend to get slightly less stimulated from LSA than LSD, and with the addition of the seeds I noticed stimulation (not amphetamine/cocaine-like, but stimulation nonetheless) and I felt a bit more 'tripped out' then I would normally had I just taken the M.G. seeds by themselves. I'm not a chronic user of LSD or LSA so I could discern the effects much easier.

In conclusion, I would say for something recreational or even just spiritual, I'd go with the traditional hallucinogens over this stuff anyday. Drugs like Psilocybin, MDMA, 2-CE, Dextromethorphan, Ketamine, LSA, and the like are MUCH, MUCH more euphoric and stimulating then Voacangine. Unless I just had weak seeds or simply too low of a dose, this stuff was neither recreational nor spiritual. Of course, having all those other goodies to compare it too, I may be spoiled, but in all it was an obvious let-down. I will say it did have a little synergy with LSD and LSA, but nothing to write home to mom about.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 85140
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Feb 21, 2018Views: 2,235
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Voacanga africana (49), Morning Glory (38) : General (1), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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