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I Still Prefer Percocets
Citation:   synthetic chemist. "I Still Prefer Percocets: An Experience with 7-Hydroxymitragynine (exp85322)". Jul 14, 2018.

6.25 mg oral 7-Hydroxymitragynine (tincture)
My Experience with 7-Hydroxymitragynine

I am an occasional user of opiates, mainly prescription pharmaceuticals such as hydrocodone and oxycodone. I learned of kratom from an internet board. I was quite interested in the idea of a legal opioid, so I performed a brief search of the literature. As many chemists know, “a week in the lab can save you an hour in the library!” Upon learning that 7-hydroxy mitragynine was suspected to be the most active compound in kratom, I tracked down a source of the chemical. I obtained a 95% EtOH tincture of 7-hydroxy mitragynine (25 mg/4 mL).

Apparently, 7-hydroxy mitragynine is not easily crystallized and is poorly soluble in water. Upon receipt, I noted that the tincture was opaque to light and pale brown in color. No precipitate was noted. I was concerned at first that the tincture was a crude extract, due to its color and opaqueness. However, since many indole derivatives are colored, I am inclined to believe that the sample was a solution of 7-hydroxy mitragynine. The tincture also possessed a strong odor, with both medicinal and earthy tones.

I began my experimentation on a day off. Since I typically take an oral dose of 10 mg oxycodone, I decided on a 6.25 mg dose of 7-hydroxy mitragynine. I ingested 1 mL of the EtOH tincture, followed by 32 oz of filtered water. The tincture possessed a strongly bitter, but not disagreeable taste. For some time afterwards, the tincture left my tongue numb.

I noticed effects at around 30 minutes following ingestion. The onset of action was more gradual than the rush of oxycodone, but more intense than that of codeine. It reminded me most of hydrocodone, which sneaks up on me. These results suggest to me that 7-hydroxy mitragynine is a pro-drug, much like codeine.

After a moderate flush of euphoria, I hit the plateau of the drug. This phase, which lasted for approximately 2 hours, felt very similar to oxycodone. I felt warm, content and detached, but not stoned. Though the euphoria was diminished, my thoughts were positive. The plateau phase ended abruptly near the three hour mark. Unlike oxycodone or hydrocodone, the taper of 7-hydroxy mitragynine is quite rapid. I did not feel let down or diminished in any way, just sober. I fell that 7-hydroxy mitragynine is “cleaner” than morphine derivatives in this regard.

In summary, I feel that this substance is at least as potent as morphine derivatives and I like it as much as hydrocodone and codeine. In sufficiently high doses, its effects might even rival oxycodone; however, for the time being, I still prefer percocets.
The greatest limitation to its use is its great cost. I paid approximately $50 for 25 mg, $2/mg. In comparison, prescription pharmaceuticals are typically $0.25-0.50/mg.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85322
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Jul 14, 2018Views: 1,944
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7-Hydroxymitragynine (416) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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