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Embraced By A Loving Creator
4-AcO-DMT & Smoking Blend
Citation:   Sepulfreak. "Embraced By A Loving Creator: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT & Smoking Blend (exp85340)". Aug 27, 2010.

20 mg   4-AcO-DMT  
    smoked Various (plant material)
Substances: 4-AcO-DMT (20mgs), Cannabis, California Poppy resin, tobacco (This was a homemade pipe blend), and later into the experience, a high potency White Lotus extract (moderate dose).

Mindset: Great mood, even a little abnormally good for me, but I will get into that.

Medications: None

Setting: Woodland area around lake and best friend’s house

Background: I have vast experience with Entheogens and other psychoactives. This was my third time with this one. This experience was written about a 20mg experiment, but I have also tested it at 10mgs and 14mgs.

Intro: To start out on a non-technical basis, “Wow!” That is the first thing that I would say at the mention of this wonderful and most extraordinary Entheogen. Despite the references to DMT, I was still under the impression that this one wouldn’t be too far from Psilocybin or Psilocin. At lower doses it can be, but at 20mgs, there are quite a few differences noted.

Background (an elaboration of the above “background”): As a small comment, for those that are not familiar with me, I am very experienced with Entheogens and Empathogens, both natural (ranging from basic Psilocybes, Mescaline Cacti, to Salvia), semi-synthetics (LSD, MDA, MDMA, and many of Alexander Shulgin’s designs; highlights on 2C-E, DOM, 4-HO-MiPT, and Methylone), and the synthetics (mostly Ketamine and DXM, though I have tried PCP when I was young). As I matured, my fondness of the dissociatives dwindled to nothing.

Prelude: With my lower dose experiments, I found this compound to be of great interest. It had no rough edges, and everything about it is so smooth. There are only a couple psychedelics that have this unique effect, and I can see that there are definitely people who will desire this for pure recreation. Although, I am not the recreational type when it comes to this classification of drugs. On the following occasion, I decided to try the higher dose of 20mgs because that is all I had enough for, leaving my partner with 16mgs.

Story: To start, I was with my best friend “J,” who is a major part of my trip report collection. We had dosed at a friend’s house in quite rough snow conditions and preceded to drive to the top of the hill that leads to his house. It was only a ten minute drive, so that wasn’t a problem. We had no intentions on driving under the influence. From this point, we filled up my Tobacco pipe with a mixture of Tobacco, California Poppy resin, and Cannabis, and started to walk down the hill. We had no intended destination, but I had figured that we would probably end up at his house to listen to music for a little bit during the peak.

As we smoked our pipe blend, we both began noticing pronounced effects including a general feeling of warmth resonating from inside and some slight flickering and twinkling in the visual field. It was a good twenty minute walk to the house where the effects had manifested rapidly on the way. We weren’t even off the hill yet, and we were stopping to gaze into the woodlands, noticing the glare of the trees. There are a good few streams that run through the area, and we also noticed the extreme sensitivity to sound. There was both distortion and clarity. I had promised “J” that there would be some fascinating visuals and possibly visions on this one, but at first he was a bit unsure. However, I quickly gave him the answer he hoped to hear; that this is one of those compounds that makes you feel like you didn’t take enough at first before it propels you into a new world.

It was getting heavy once we got to the flat road at the bottom of the hill. The visuals were starting to get very unique. Some of it reminded me of the effects of its closest relatives, but there were also some very different effects. There were a great deal of reds in the auras of things and vine-like patterns that creep and crawl. The body feelings were still comforting and warm, yet intense. There is a strong desire to sit down which reveals a lack of strong stimulation unlike something like LSD. There also was present, a strangeness unknown, that we both were only vaguely familiar with through mild Yopo experiments. DMT-like thought patterns, perceptual shifts, and visual phenomena are there.

By the time we were almost to “J’s” house, most of the full effects had developed. Complete time distortion, escaping the grasp of reality and reaching the unknown, visuals far beyond the gentle color patterns and mild perceptual changes, and a body feeling divine, unlike anything I have experienced. There was some fear and uncertainty at this level, though both to me, loveable characteristics of entheogens. Once inside, into the “white light,” we were immersed in the ways and sways of this compound. We decided to put on the Yes album “Extended Versions” and see what would come about with the addition of progressive music.

“J” was pacing back and forth, apprehensive about sitting down, while I laid there on one of the couches comfortably enveloped in vision. “J” was like, “it’s been following me the whole way down the hill, and I know it will catch up with me if I sit down,” though he eventually did. I remember seeing patterns of white, blue, and gold at one distinct point, but everything was shifting so rapidly that it was hard to remember specific patterns and textures even though they were so thick I could swim in it. However, at the very peak of my experience, things became much more surreal.

I began to see a white, marble fountain, intricately designed, with a background of velvet textures and astounding color patterns made of purples and blues. Something divine was felt as this fountain was held and tipped ever so softly towards me, creating a mist that I could feel upon my face. Then it began to splash, and I could see a blinding white light inside the top of the structure. Immediately after that, I felt the warmest glow I have ever felt radiate through my entire body. It was as if I was being held by the Creator Himself. I looked over at “J” and I could tell he had a similar vision and identical experience after it. The music had definitely fueled this, as I remember the sound making me immobile. It felt wonderful.

After this moment of mystical beauty, we decided to start walking back to where we started. The view outside was quite different at this point. It was vivid, surreal, and filled with glowing visuals/visions. We had both stopped at a spot to admire the woods surrounding us, yet there was a living spirit there that had allured us: an image of “J’s” pregnant girlfriend. He started explaining it (what he saw, how he felt, etc..), and I began to see my own imagery of the miracle and beauty of birth/death. It was astounding. Of course what he felt was much more intimate.

As we approached the start of the hill, there were visual phenomena that was so distorted that it almost looked like we were in an entirely different place than we were. It appeared as if there was a house with all its outside lights on across the lake (no one lives on the opposite side of the lake), though it ended up being the last house before we turned up the hill I believe. This “glitch” in perception was particularly strange considering “J” has lived there his entire life, and I know the place almost as well as he does.

Walking up the hill consisted of a few stops for visual awakenings and listening, but there was nothing that really stood out other than the sound of water as we could hear the gentle streams down over the hill. Sound was amazing. The effect of this substance, for me, both distorts sound and clarifies it, as I mentioned earlier. It is one of those things that seems to draw my attention to a “what is that?,” to a moment of wondering and imagining, and then to a “well, that’s just the creek,” moving on to what you were previously doing. This process seems to drag out into eternity at the 20mg level.

Finally, when we got to the car, we sat and smoked tobacco for a while and conversed. We were gazing across a hill on to someone’s house in the distance at the snowfall that had started. There seemed to be a rainbow of color across the precipitation that was already on the ground and an illumination of light in the falling snow. There was definitely a spiritual feeling in the wind. We decided to wait a while before driving back, but eventually we did when we felt sober enough even though it is a short drive.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

For a while “J” felt as if this was one of those experiences that run up to the twelve hour mark. He even asked me, but I assured him that it seems to last slightly longer than a typical mushroom experience and proceeds to decline rapidly into somewhat of an LSD-like afterglow after the incredibly intense DMT-like peak. We ended the night relaxed and reflected on what had transpired.

Before I had written this far, I had also shared an experience with my new girlfriend “L” (first time with a psychedelic), and I thought it should be mentioned. I ingested 14mgs, while I gave her 12mgs. On my part, everything was still consistent with previous dosages, but she was quite intrigued. The substance proved to be perfect for her first time experiencing something like that, considering she used to be too reluctant to go far beyond alcohol, Cannabis, or an occasional Opioid. I believe that this was something far more intimate and genuine for her.

To close, I cannot think of a compound that has so much warmth and just plain good nature, despite the intensity of 4-AcO-DMT. It provides everything I could ask for in a psychedelic without any adverse effects. With 20mgs, I expected slight side effects and the fear of God, but what I got was nothing but enlightenment, illumination, and comfort.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85340
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Aug 27, 2010Views: 10,272
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