They Were So Happy to See Me
Citation:   MR. jk. "They Were So Happy to See Me: An Experience with DMT (exp85363)". Aug 26, 2018.

50 mg smoked DMT  
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I loaded about 50 mg of DMT into my new bong on top of some good weed, although I have no experience with this substance I have a very extensive drug history witch includes,mushrooms, PCP, salvia, dxm, opiates ,LSD, 2-CB, MDMA, and cannabis.

At about 10:30 p.m. I ingested aprx. 50 mg of DMT. As soon as I let it out I notice the feeling of warm blankets shooting up my whole body. After this an interesting hint of a sound came over me and it kind of sounded like weredera readea seazeac eavea beanea meaniaaia, kind of like gibberish but for some reason I could understand the language, although I cannot explain it now. All of the sudden I saw these beings (made of energy) that were telling me how interested they were in me and how nobody rarely ever visits them because no one truly understands. They talked to me in a way that was interpreted through a shiny gold energy (which is very hard to explain).

They started to create physical objects from singing or talking in weird languages that did not seem to have sound but were heard through energy. The most interesting thing about this experience was my mind felt completely normal as if I had never taken the drug, and at the same time all of these bizarre things were happing. This was an extremely in-lighting and mind opening experience. These objects that the beings were creating were so out of the ordinary that I cannot describe them in any way, but were the most alienated things I have ever seen. It was almost like they were teaching me how to make these things because they would make one and pass the object to me for me to inspect. After studying the object I started to feel a swelling in my esophagus and all the sudden energy shot out of my mouth and formed this indescribable object that has somehow guided me through the rest of my life although I cant explain why it has or what it was. After I had created this object all of the beings clapped for me and said that they were so happy I could finally do it, they told me that I was lucky because I understood unlike many that had tried and failed.

Today I still cannot explain what this means. This whole time I had no memory of my life before and had know idea I was even a real person. This is an utterly indescribable feeling, and one of the weirdest things ever felt. After this every thing changed and a galaxy of geometric colors and shapes filled my vision, all of these visions were perfectly se metrical and in extreme high definition. All the sudden a figure appeared that was made out of gas and energy, I started to float up and was stopped by some boundary. Wile I was looking down at myself I saw this creature reach out and put what looked like tentacles (of energy) on my head. The creature told me how happy he as that I had finally learned how. After this it started to massage my head, wile it was doing this I took in a bunch of confusing information that I cannot explain. Right after this I felt almost 85% sober and the trip was done.

Although this experience was extremely intense and mind altering, it was one of the most spiritual experiences I have ever had. The trip that I experienced was so detailed and well thought out that it would take a whole novel for me to completely explain but these are some of the most significant parts that I could remember. I do not understand how the human brain has the capability to come up with such extraordinary things that looked so utterly real.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85363
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Aug 26, 2018Views: 1,036
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DMT (18) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), Unknown Context (20)

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