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Shiva Bhang and Regular Bhang
Citation:   AndreKush. "Shiva Bhang and Regular Bhang: An Experience with Cannabis (exp85402)". Jul 16, 2020.

    Cannabis (edible / food)
When I made the Shiva Bhang, I used about a 1/4 of bud. The recipe I had called for 1oz, but that seemed a bit much for me. I let the bud steep in hot water for a few minuted then strained it and put it in a mortar then pounded it into a paste. Added some almonds and warm whole milk and pounded it some more. Every so often I strained the milk out and added more fresh milk to the mortar. I drank all the strained milk the next day before eating breakfast. The high kicked in after about 20 minutes; it started from my heart and radiated out to the rest of my body. It was very euphoric and warm. At one point I started to have mild hallucinations. The high lasted around 6 hours and was very pleasant.

Some years later I went to India, to the city of Varanasi. I asked a rickshaw driver where I could get bhang. He dropped me off at my hotel and said he'd get me some and bring it to me. A few minutes later he brought me a little package and said it cost 2 rupees. I paid him and checked out the goods. It was basically a glop of mashed up cannabis...about golf ball sized dose. It looked like it had been freshly ground into a very fine paste,the color was dark green. I decided to take about 1/4 of the dose to see how it would affect me. About an hour later it kicked in and kept getting more and more intense. It was really trippy. I started to have very intense hallucinations. After about six hours I just passed out in my bed. It was some good stuff.

Exp Year: 1998ExpID: 85402
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jul 16, 2020Views: 710
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Cannabis (1) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Preparation / Recipes (30), Alone (16)

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