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My Wife and Kids
Salvia divinorum - 5x extract
by jdot
Citation:   jdot. "My Wife and Kids: An Experience with Salvia divinorum - 5x extract (exp85449)". Erowid.org. Aug 6, 2016. erowid.org/exp/85449

200 mg smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
BODY WEIGHT: 10.2 st
I've smoked salvia a few times over the last couple of months but this was the most intense experience (and shortest) by far. The main trip lasted approximately 5 minutes with a come up time of 2 minutes followed by a lucid period of about 3 minutes.

This report takes place over about 40 minutes, the first half hour was relatively uninteresting, I smoked a couple of pinches to get used to the strange body sensations I get (I always feel like I'm sinking or splitting in half) and prepared for my trip by doing the usual, calculating doses, cleaning up and putting away sharp objects.

At 11:30am I sat on my bed, turned the tv on and loaded my pipe with the dose I measured before (roughly 0.15g) and proceeded to light it. The come on was a lot stronger than I expected, I don't really remember anything except a flashing circle in the right of my field of vision that seemed to dance around after about a minute or two I started to become lucid again, at this point the tv show my wife and kids started on tv, the show title appeared at the bottom of the screen but in my delirious state I thought it meant MY wife and kids, I started thinking that I was going to see my future family, the main character appeared on the screen for a second I was in total shock 'what the fuck! That's me!' (the funny thing is I look nothing like the main character, he's black) his wife (or my wife if you want) came on screen as well 'she's beautiful' I thought and for a split second I felt like I was overcome with a feeling of infinite universal love I almost started crying at the magnificence of what I was feeling then almost as soon as it started it was over, I felt like a had to tell the world what I had just experienced but I knew I couldn't, I knew no one would take me seriously but for some reason I was ok with that.

In retrospect this is one of the most amazing things that has happened to me, I didnt really 'learn' anything from it except to treat salvia with the utmost respect.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85449
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Aug 6, 2016Views: 1,650
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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