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Venturing to the Visible Trance State
Methylone & 2C-I
Citation:   The Dreamer. "Venturing to the Visible Trance State: An Experience with Methylone & 2C-I (exp85459)". Aug 4, 2017.

T+ 0:00
160 mg oral Methylone (capsule)
  T+ 3:50 12 mg   2C-I  
Date: 5-16-2010
160mg – Methylone
12mg – 2CI

Set – Stable, happy to be home, quiet, a little worried about feeling down tomorrow
Setting – Living room, very nice, blue sky, 70 degree weather outside, with dog, wife, and our 2 new cats

11:10am – Took 160mg Methylone in a gel cap

12:00pm – Conversation begins to pour out. Listening is equally enhanced. It is beautiful, open, and honest.

Being Our Natural Selves
We share about our respect for other’s choices to appear how they are naturally regardless of societal standards. The conversation primarily revolved around hair. This evolved into a broader conversation about people of all backgrounds accepting and admiring each person’s uniqueness.

Our Universe
What is beyond our universe? Could it be our universe is just one of many? Could we really live in a multi-verse?

The Sun
Why is it that looking at the sun makes us blind? We are always searching for life in other galaxies but the sun has more energy than everything on earth combined. I come to the conclusion that we oversimplify the sun and it possesses many more mysteries than we give it credit for.

The energy we put out is who we become. I realized even if we “get away with something”, we still have to face the consequence of our actions by how we view ourselves.

Consciousness vs. Knowledge
When you know something, it’s about having information. When you have consciousness, you are connected with it. You have a direct experience with it.

3:00pm – Took 12mg of 2ci

4:00pm – Walked to our picnic table in the back yard and talked for a half hour. There was a great blue sky, cool breeze, and perfect temperature. We walk back in before the 2ci begins to fully take effect.

~ 5:00pm - We lay on our backs and looked at the ceiling for about a half hour while listening to Jenny Lewis. There were many fossil-like motifs and ancient images forming in the bone-white texture. At one point, I simply thought of a pastel green and it appeared. The reoccurring sparkly dots also appeared regularly during this time in all of the usual minute crevices.

Letting Go
The visuals were some of the strongest I’ve ever experienced in my life. Part of this may have been to having the Methylone primer. The primary reason was that I finally had the courage to let go. Many times when I stare and start to let go during a trip I enter the visual trance state. This usually lasts for a few moments until I see an image that scares me and I retreat back to the normal distractions around. This time, I allowed myself to venture further and although I did see some morbid visuals, it was also combined with many other beautiful and colorful images. When I explained this to my wife, I described it as sailing out to sea and starting to panic when you can no longer see land. This time, I trusted the experience enough to sail out to that outer space.

Fear, Death, and The Absolute
Like many of my psychedelic trips I think a lot about death and the absolutes. This trip had a strong backdrop of death. This I believe was partially due to gas pains in my chest in conjunction with the thought of a trip report on Methylone I read earlier about a heart complication. Many times during trips, I seem to confront fears, death, and the absolute. This seems to have a positive reminder of what is important and what I still need to do while I am alive.

Conclusion: In conclusion, this was a great trip. It was one of the most visual experiences I’ve ever had. The 2CI gave a lot more enjoyment and benefits to the aftermath of the Methylone and created it’s own journey. We were able to fall asleep at a decent hour. The next day was a rainy and sleepy day. I did not feel the usual MDMA-type depletion but remained sleepy and under-energized for the next couple of days. I would repeat the same dosage again.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85459
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Aug 4, 2017Views: 1,369
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Methylone (255), 2C-I (172) : General (1), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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