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Head Distortion And Wonderful Clarity
Citation:   acupuncture. "Head Distortion And Wonderful Clarity: An Experience with Methylone (exp85478)". Jan 16, 2018.

BODY WEIGHT: 10.5 st
Hi. first time submitting, so please excuse the lack of layout knowledge.

I have recently discovered M1 and I can say it has been a huge revelation to me. I used to take LSD and own picked mushrooms when I was half my current age, then to later experience X and MDMA through the dance music scene.

I find M1 to be the perfect in between, euphoric MDMA onset and peak. with the head distortion and wonderful clarity experienced with LSD. Best of all I suffer no come down after affects with this drug, my head is often clearer from the introspection gained on the substance.
Best of all I suffer no come down after affects with this drug, my head is often clearer from the introspection gained on the substance.

I will never try another drug, this for me is all I need! Just a little NOS and or poppers to bring the levels back now and then.

it takes some trail and error with dosage but get it right and it's the most natural high there is, with nothing to fear for the next day...

yea I could mention the sleep issues created, but that's expected and a 10mg Valium soon calms my mind and sends me into a healthy sleep.

Can't believe this synthetic has taken any desire to vary my indulgences. it is such a spiritual experience that every time I learn more about myself and find new strengths.

happy travels!

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85478
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Jan 16, 2018Views: 1,157
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Methylone (255) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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