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Uncontrollable Fits of Joy
Citation:   meemke. "Uncontrollable Fits of Joy: An Experience with LSD (exp85747)". Jun 16, 2020.

0.5 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
I took two hits of LSD to a music festival, and I split them between my friends and I. I cut one of the squares in half and gave the other full square to my other friend. We walked down to one on the tents and settled on the ground to wait for the effects of the drug to begin. My friend that took the full square began to feel the effects within thirty minutes. The friend that split the hit with me and myself did not feel anything for another hour.

When the acid began to take effect, I felt my vision sharpen. Soon after that, sounds became richer. When I reached the plateau, I became extremely giddy and laughed uncontrollably. Everything seemed so absurd, from our mannerisms to our demeanor. When I tried to straighten up, it would cause me to laugh uncontrollably at the futility of my efforts. Even though I was in a room full of people, I did not care how I appeared to others. I could feel the sound from the stage vibrating all throughout my body. Insects seeking shade tickled my skin as they brushed against my body. As soon as the set ended, my friend and I decided to find our other friend that broke off from us sometime earlier. We left the tent, and headed towards the headliner stage. It was situated in a large field, and it intuitively seemed like an ideal place to go.

The whole journey to the stage was an incredible experience. The different textures surrounding me were extremely pleasing to my eyes. I felt weightless as I walked along. Along the way, we spotted our other friend. He had a dream like expression on his face and was wandering aimlessly. We rejoined and made our way to the main stage. When we made it to the stage, I realized that we might need to go back to our campsite to get a shade umbrella. The task was daunting. It was extremely difficult to formulate a plan and follow through with it.
It was extremely difficult to formulate a plan and follow through with it.
It was difficult to talk as well. When we arrived at the campsite, we collapsed into a fit of laughter.

When we collected ourselves, we walked back to the stage with the umbrella and laid on the grass. Normally, the umbrella felt heavy, but it felt weightless in my arms.

As I stared into the sky, I watched the clouds dissipate in extreme detail. I could see a swirly pattern over everything I saw. My ears felt like they were full of cotton, and I kept getting the sensation that I was in a wind tunnel. I thought that I was feeling the velocity of the Earth's rotation. When I looked at my hand, I thought that I saw the structure of my veins for an instant. At times, the sharpness of everything hurt my eyes but I could not close them. I simply tried staring at the sky because the grass was moving in such detail that it was overwhelming. I also had a sensation of understanding things for the first time.

The effects of the acid came and went like the ebb and flow of the tide. The acid peaked within an hour of taking it and began to wane four hours later. For the rest of the afternoon, I felt a buzzing sensation and a general feeling of calmness. When the last of the acid left my body, I felt irritable and tired. I slept like a baby that night and felt refreshed the next day. However, my brain felt a little fried and I had trouble formulating complex thoughts. It wore off the next day, but the positive mood stayed. I feel more confident about myself now. I still have a little trouble trying to put into human words what happened to me that day.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85747
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jun 16, 2020Views: 610
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LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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