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Life as a Lego
Salvia divinorum (160x extract)
Citation:   wb1996. "Life as a Lego: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (160x extract) (exp85754)". Jan 25, 2022.

1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
I have been tripping on ' legal' psychoactive compounds for many years but nothing could prepare me for what was about to happen. I started out the night by getting a pack of purple sticky salvia x160 and went home to try it.

The first time I put the recommended dose of three match heads worth in the bong and hit it. It was a weird time but I needed more so I decided to pack an entire bowl full ( almost half the container) in the bong and go for a ride. I took the hit and all the sudden I needed to escape (the room, life, my body etc..) so I kicked in my bathroom door, in it was my friend taking a piss but that did not matter at the time. Then all the sudden I felt a rush of energy, it felt like I was in the middle of an atomic core that had just exploded. I was now not human and my mind had no idea I had taken a drug, it was complete and total disconnection. My particles all the sudden took form of a rubber 3 prong lego, but I had a brain and was living. I could taste myself, just like burning car tires, and then I got the fear. I realized I was a lego and that my life as I knew it was just a dream that I had. Then all the sudden my mom's voice came to me but she was a lego too, then it really hit me, I am a lego and I will be one forever. My life was a dream and I was so scared I can't describe it. Then I heard voices of almost all my close family saying, "Wyatt, you're just a real smart lego and you need to calm down."
"Wyatt, you're just a real smart lego and you need to calm down."

At that point I felt as they were all watching me and laughing at me because I was acting like a human and I was trying to escape my plastic reality by climbing out of it. It was a pain I can't describe. It felt like I had been ripped apart into subatomic particles and it just plain hurt. Then all the sudden I snapped into semi reality and it slowly wore off over the next 15 min.

I will never be the same again, but not in a bad way. I have been researching this drug alot. It showed me a new plane of existence and I think I tapped into some energy force that defies logic, but is out there. I think this energy is a small dose of what happened when god created the universe . So this energy I think will be discovered in the super collider and will start to put a face on GOD. I am a Christian and this experience was not based on my faith at all, but based on the energy that is needed to create life and the universe.

This was last night and I feel like I am renewed and I have had a peek at the power of GOD and it was the most humble experience of my life, period. I now can not wait to die because it is going to be one hell of a ride. I am not saying a want to die soon, I just am a realist and it's coming whether I like it or not so I am preparing for it. I love GOD and life so much after last night.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85754
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Jan 25, 2022Views: 481
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Alone (16)

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