Meeting the Others
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Dr. D. "Meeting the Others: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp85955)". Mar 23, 2020.

1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (dried)
The first time I met Salvia Divinorum, ‘The Sage of Diviners,’ was in the Spring of 2000, over 10 years ago. A good friend had given me a pretty decent plastic bag full (a few ounces) of dried leaves and instructions on how to smoke it. My friend, who is a very experienced tripper, described its effects as ‘interesting.’ Willing to try something knew, I bought a fancy little bong to smoke the leaves, which I was told burn very hot.

The first several times I smoked Salvia with my wife we noticed very little. The most dramatic results we obtained were a sudden head-rush and a kind of spinning or whirling which pulled us backward, followed by a heaviness and sensitivity to bright light and loud noises. It was always more enjoyable lying down in a darkly or dimly lit room, listening to mellow music.
It was always more enjoyable lying down in a darkly or dimly lit room, listening to mellow music.
The intense effects lasted only 15-25 minutes. My wife felt nothing after this and I usually felt a little different for a few hours. Salvia seemed to make me, a rather introspective person by nature, feel even more introspective. Little did I know that the Emerald Goddess had a surprise waiting for me...

One warm Spring afternoon, I was home alone and decided to smoke some of the green sage. After taking several deep fast hits, I began to feel the familiar head-rush and spinning. I put the bong down, closed my eyes and sat back in our comfy living room chair. But this time was much more intense—I suddenly began to feel a vortex in spacetime open behind me and a little to the left, as if the back of my head had somehow opened up. I was listening to the melodious and haunting tunes from Morphine’s album ‘The Night,’ and I began to get the strange feeling that the band was playing in my living room. Not only were Morphine in my room, but I felt as though other beings were there too, standing around me. Somehow they had always been around, but I had never noticed them before. The whole experience felt as if I were remembering something I knew a long time ago but forgot. The beings did not speak, but seemed to communicate with me telepathically. They were somewhat amused at my disorientation, but glad to have my company.

Meanwhile the vortex kept growing, and I felt a very strong urge to be pulled backward. I went with this feeling and slowly got up and walked backwards, leaning into the vortex. I kept my eyes closed, but remembered I was in my living room and moved slowly so as not to injure myself. I ended up curled in a ball behind our futon couch—a situation my friends found very amusing when I later told them about this experience. I stayed behind the couch for about 20 minutes feeling very collapsed into myself.
When I got up, I felt a little groggy, introspective and stoned. This lasted for the usually couple of hours and then was completely gone.

After this experience, I came away feeling that there is something very profound, subtle and spiritual about this sage. Experiences with her are about an inward journey. I know now she has the power to transport those she likes into strange times and places and show them things both beautiful and frightening. She lacks the dramatic light-shows of some psychedelics, but points the way to something deep. My trips with her have not always been pleasant, but they have always been thought-provoking. I look forward to getting to know her better.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 85955
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Mar 23, 2020Views: 706
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Various (28)

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