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A Massage Saved Me From a Dark Place
Citation:   Cheech. "A Massage Saved Me From a Dark Place: An Experience with MDMA (exp85998)". Jan 16, 2024.

200 - 300 mg oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
Background: I'm an avid marijuana user, and have been known to get drunk quite often. In terms of other drugs I've tried shrooms, MDMA (twice, 100 mg both times), tramadol, ketamine, and ecstasy (as well as the occasional speedbomb).

Last saturday myself and three friends (we'll call them D,K, and A) decided to buy some MDMA. We had planned on buying 0.5, initially dropping the 0.1 each and saving the last one to be railed if anyone needed it. After the exchange, we got back to my friend's apartment and checked it out. Our dealer was on the run and had tried to eyeball it. We scaled @ just over a gram.

We started setting up the apartment. We had some dubstep playlists ready with speakers wired through the place, as well as a cool lightscheme. My friend eyed the MDMA into five piles, from smallest to largest. Him and I decided to take the two largest ones, although thinking back I clearly should not have (I had an empty stomach and hadn't slept the previous night). I'm guessing I took between 200 and 300 MG.

12:00 AM - Parachuted approximately 250 MG of mdma. I'm in a good state of mind, already feeling pretty happy. My night has been pretty chilled out thus far and I'm still in a relaxing mood.

12:40:AM - While going outside for a cigarette I suddenly feel my first wave. I feel amazing. I'm happy, starting to really get into the conversation and I have a very nice body buzz. My thoughts are along the lines of 'I hope the high maintains at this level, because this is amazing.'

1:00 AM - I'm becoming extremely nauseous. I go inside and lie down by myself. My thoughts keep circling around the thought that I've taken too much. I feel like I'm going to throw up and can't understand why I'm so out of it. It felt like I had been lying there for hours when really it hadn't been more then about 30 minutes.

1:30AM - I've decided being high isn't worth this incredible nausea and try to throw up. It seems as if I've taken so much that I can't distinguish waves anymore. All I can think is 'I don't like this.. Too much... I need to throw up'.
It seems as if I've taken so much that I can't distinguish waves anymore. All I can think is 'I don't like this.. Too much... I need to throw up'.
I try and force myself to vomit by sticking my finger down my throat, but it doesn't work in the slightest bit. After trying unsuccessfully for about 5 minutes I spit in the toilet and notice the blood in my spit. I hadn't noticed at all that I had been cutting the back of my throat with my fingernail (this hurt more then you could believe on sunday).

1:40AM - I'm overheating. I've been drinking my water all night but honestly feel like it's 40 degrees in the apartment. I take off my shirt and pants, switch into my buddies shorts and head outside for a cigarette. I don't think I've ever been quite this sweaty in front of anyone before, it's literally dripping off of me. Upon getting outside K notices how messed up I am and she offers to give me a massage. There was some massage oil lying around so that came into the picture. It's almost impossible to describe how amazing that massage was. I sat there having my cigarette, lying down on a bench press while getting a back massage with the oil. Each touch just felt warm, soft, loving.

All of a sudden I wasn't sick, I didn't feel like shit, and I didn't even feel like I took too much. The massage was all I could think about and it was absolutely amazing in every sense, without being sexual at all. I start getting a sense of control over the MDMA, and I can now distinguish waves. I'm very happy, and just feel a great sense of companionship with my friends. I can now also appreciate the music which I had previously been ignoring due to nausea. The rest of the night went off without much event. We danced a bit, had a few cigarettes and talked quite a bit.

5:00 AM - I begin to notice I'm coming down. My throat is starting to cry out in pain, and I'm only just remembering the whole incident with the blood. All in all I feel as if I had a good night, but would have appreciated it far more if I had taken less.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85998
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jan 16, 2024Views: 36
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MDMA (3) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5)

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