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Autism and Weed Are Fun
Citation:   K.Bliss. "Autism and Weed Are Fun: An Experience with Cannabis (exp86256)". Jul 26, 2010.

T+ 0:00
  smoked Cannabis
  T+ 0:50   smoked Cannabis
I have moderate autism (aspergers) and ADHD and smoking weed actually makes life better for me. Sometimes I am socially isolated and rather just be with myself, but some weed every 3-7 days makes me help understand it better. I'll explain one time that was amazing.

T 0:00
I pick up my little metal bowl and pack it, savor the smell and realize its only the beginning. I spark the bowl.

I am pretty high. I start to notice my surroundings, I stand up and laugh.

Wow, I think. It was creeper weed, I underestimated it. I started to notice talking in full sentences was getting to be a challenge, but it was fun. I was becoming more clumsy than I usually am. I am talking to myself like crazy, more than I usually do when I'm not under the influence.

I'm having so much fun letting my imagination go wild with myself, it was like I was sitting there and facing another of me and talking to him. I decide that if I want to have more fun, I'm going to need to smoke some more weed. After that, I'm completely smashed, train wreck in the face.

I felt so retarded, as in mentally retarded. I feel so stupid, I felt helpless, but there was that feeling of fun still lingering there. I felt as if this was permanent for about 15 minutes, I was paranoid, but I still felt like it was fun. All of a sudden, my ears are in complete pain. (I have high frequency hearing loss, I cannot hear noises above 7500Khz. Any noise above what I can hear causes me pain.) I faintly remember that I had a dog whistler app on my brothers iPod touch, I must have accidentaly activated it. Fuck me, ouch.

T+2:00 I'm still retarded, I could barely talk, though It was hilarious. Anytime I tried to talk, It felt like my mouth kept tripping on its own words, so everything just sounded like jumbled blahs. I somehow managed to go downstairs and make a glass of iced tea. I don't know how I managed to do that the way I was. I started to feel like a kid again. I felt like I had the mentality of a five year old. Wow, It was getting interesting.

I'm coming down now, but I still feel good, I'm sitting around thinking about meeting one of my friends, of the few that I have. I thinking about what we were gonna do. (He has autism too but he's 12 so I did not think it would be a good idea to introduce him into the wonderful world of weed, and I did not know how to handle handle him sometimes. You get the point). My mind was drifting and I went to grab a cigarette.

Autism and weed are a good mix for me. I've had other things happen but I don't feel like going into detail now. For others its a bad condition but for me, I love it. I never really cared about all the social bs. What I lack in social skills I make up in intelligence, and for me that is 100% true.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86256
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Jul 26, 2010Views: 1,334
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Alone (16)

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