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A Closed Closet of Happiness
Citation:   jk1725. "A Closed Closet of Happiness: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp86334)". Jan 30, 2018.

I remember hitting my first bit of ski nearly two years ago. My friends I had done every other drug with were now coming over with OC's everyday. At first they only let me hit tiny lines of thier pills telling me a whole one would kill me. It wasn't until nearly 3 months later that I started buying Oxy's and roxy's. At first it was a joke amongst friends 'the daily ritual' (40mgs spread out over an hour). Well this daily went on for about 5 months and the dosages only increased. During those 5 months I had lost probably 25 pounds and ....looked sickly to say the least. Then I had my first experince with a withdrawl. I went home for about 3 days, AWFUL. My entire family knew something was up with me. I looked like hell, couldnt sleep, kept keeling over in pain, vomiting, etc the works. So I quit OC for a whopping 2 weeks before I jumped right back into it.
So I quit OC for a whopping 2 weeks before I jumped right back into it.

OC is capable of giving me my favorite high in the world, the perfect escape but that is all it its. I might be to skiied out to care but my problems stay there. Life doesn't put itself on hold because I am are sitting on your couch scratching and closing my eyes.
I'm on my 5th day without it now and already I feel less fried. In two years I've seen a countless numbers of nosebleeds, vomiting, wasted potential, and watched my friends and family leave me behind.

In retrospect no worth it, but when I am taking it the high is so good I simply don't give a fuck

I would say try it twice just to see what the hype is about, but I wouldnt advise it's use...well ever. It's a harrowingly addicting pill that not so slowly destroyed my body and soul. Another draw back they are damn expensive, it became a 100 dollar a day neccesity for me to even function in the least bit. And if I didn't happen to have that money, I will found a way to get my high....Ususally some sort of fucked up illicit activity, I didn't ever see myself robbing people with an unloaded gun before. But I got hooked on oxy that changed.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86334
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 30, 2018Views: 1,360
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Oxycodone (176) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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