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I Am With Joy
4-AcO-DMT & Cannabis
Citation:   Ricky Shade. "I Am With Joy: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT & Cannabis (exp86373)". Aug 27, 2010.

T+ 0:00
5 mg   4-AcO-DMT  
  T+ 1:20 3 mg   4-AcO-DMT  
  T+ 2:05   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 4:30   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
2:50pm: I've already been licking residue off my fingers as I break up the powder as evenly as possible for further use since I don't have a way to weight it. I grab one of my ~20mg bags and take somewhere around 5mg or so. I begin to feel the slight effects almost immediately.

3:45pm: By now I've already been feeling it creeping up on me for some time. When I witness changes on my monitor, the shapes and colors blend into each other and then fade away slowly when I focus on something new. It's definitely gentle and calm like others describe. There's a little anxiety though due to it being my first time. However, by this time, I'm explaining it as an 'expanding joy bubble'.

4:10pm: I get daring and take what I perceive to be around another 3mg. It's almost time to smoke so I want to kick things off right and see if I can boost my trip. I begin writing the log at this time.

4:55pm: I've smoked a couple of bowls now. I'm basically walking around the house like I'm drunk at this point. Typing is difficult. Visual effects are mostly shimmery and matrix-like, when I sat down at my monitor I felt like I was seeing the effect of a low refresh rate (wavy color distortions on parts of the screen). I have a heavy buzz and concentration is difficult. The moments of pure joy (when I look up from what I'm doing and go 'ahhhhhh!') are still coming in waves. I'm trying to watch Big Fish but sometimes I just want to get up and dance to music that isn't playing.

5:50pm: At this time I just got back from venturing outside for a little while to get some food up the street. I turned off Big Fish and decided to watch a goofy movie instead. I was watching a lot of funny stuff during these first couple of hours so the super giggly euphoric part has been over for a while now. I just sat there with a smile on my face for about 2 hours and now I just feel relaxed with a few visual effects remaining. Being outside while the clouds were going away and the sun was coming out was awesome. Everything shimmered. Still feeling a buzz.

7:20pm: I've sat around watching a goofy movie for a couple of hours. I have had a great upbeat and uplifted just generally good feeling ever since the endless-giggling part of the trip was over with. I smoked a bowl, did the dishes, smoked another bowl... :) I'm still feeling really good and seeing some slight visual distortions, but nothing major or confusing. I'm now done with this trip report, time to venture out once more and visit my friends for the night.

10:25pm: I write this now as I just got home and my evening is over. I left the house at around 7:40. I tried my friends and they weren't home, so I just wandered around their side of town for a while. I was lucky enough to be able to witness a beautiful pink sunset, accented by orange clouds and a crescent moon. I tried my friends again before coming back home and they were still not present, so I headed back and enjoyed the way the city lights just took over my entire vision. It was between the 5th and 6th hours since I took my little bumper hit and I was just feeling relaxed and serene for the last 2-3 of them.

Summary: This feels good. After a day of laughter and euphoria, wandering about in the city and appreciating the precious little things, I am now relaxed and calm. Ready to snuggle into bed and drift into a good night's rest.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86373
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Aug 27, 2010Views: 10,926
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4-AcO-DMT (387) : General (1), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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