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Provided Migraine Relief
Citation:   cottongin. "Provided Migraine Relief: An Experience with LSD (exp86575)". Jul 31, 2019.

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
LSD for Treatment of Migraines

I have had migraines all my life; since I was a baby. They have been extremely disabling, causing trips to the hospital, and missed days of school. I had been to migraine specialists, been prescribed various medications, and even tried bio-feedback. None of that worked.

Of all of the over the counter medications, ibruprofen seemed to be the only thing that would make the slightest difference... At first anyway. When I was in middle school I was taking that every single day, as I would get a headache every single day to some degree. Of course by that point, what I was experiencing were rebound headaches. By the end of middle school I was less 'addicted' to ibuprofen, but was still getting headaches daily (not as severe as before). In high school I was experiencing the same frequency of headaches.

In the 10th grade I started to become more interested in drugs, and eventually tried LSD. I had an amazing experience, and several days after the trip I realised I hadn't gotten a headache or migraine at all in that time. I didn't know at the time LSD had any effect on that, so I did some research and found that it can indeed 'cure' migraines for up to several months at a time. That's exactly what it did! 6 months went by and I had not ONE migraine.
6 months went by and I had not ONE migraine.
It was spectacular! In all my 17 years of having migraines, trying all sorts of things, this one, unfortunately illegal, drug was the answer to all my problems.

However, my family has a history of schizophrenia and mental illness, and the particular aunt that has it did a lot of LSD when she was younger, which actually brought out the schizophrenia in her. So naturally I did not want to be doing this drug too much, especially considering I'm already bipolar. But after my migraines started coming back 6 months after the first trip, I decided it was time for another dose. This dose felt significantly weaker than the first one I ever took, but still provided migraine relief, just for not as long.

2 months later I had to dose again, and I am currently for the most part relieved of major migraines. LSD changed my life.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86575
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jul 31, 2019Views: 821
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LSD (2) : First Times (2), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Health Benefits (32), Not Applicable (38)

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