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Dealing with the Hangover with 5-HTP
by hi
Citation:   hi. "Dealing with the Hangover with 5-HTP: An Experience with MDMA (exp8661)". Aug 8, 2001.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:00 1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 8:00 200 mg oral Tryptophan (capsule)
  T+ 32:00 50 mg oral Tryptophan (capsule)
  T+ 56:00 50 mg oral Tryptophan (capsule)
  T+ 80:00 50 mg oral Tryptophan (capsule)
OK I've done E three times and think I have some usefull info to contribute. The first time I dropped one tab on a whim at a friends house with a small group of people. I rolled very hard and ended up spending the night with a girl, cuddling and talking etc. It was a great experience, but the whole next week I was very down, definetely depressed. The second time I dropped another tab from the same batch one month later and rolled just as hard as the first. This time I did a little reading and took a bunch of antioxidants afterwards. This cleared my head up much quicker, but I still was very depressed for almost a whole week. So this third time, a month later, I dropped two tabs, three hours apart, and had another great time. This time afterwards I took 200mg of 5-HTP, followed by 50mg a day for three days. I had no depression! I would say that within 48 hours I felt totally normal. This is somehat unusual as far as I understand. I highly recommend that people use this with E. Next time I plan to load up on it in the hours before hand to see if it makes the high better. I'll let you guys know how it works. I should also say that I wrestle in college and have found that meditating in the time between coming down and going to bed has improved my wrestling VERY drastically(Without practice! This is quite amazing. I basically beat people I had never beaten before, without stepping on the mat in between.) I recommend you try this with something that is important to you. Thanks to all for the experience reports, you have been an invaluable resource.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8661
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 8, 2001Views: 33,171
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