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DMT No More!
Citation:   graphix. "DMT No More!: An Experience with DMT (exp86612)". Feb 27, 2020.

  smoked DMT
    smoked Damiana
    smoked Cannabis
I experienced DMT for the first time the other day while with some friends. In the bowl was a bit o weed and enough DMT for all of us.

Wow it was a great trip. Off of 2 hits I was looking at pictures once only seen behind my eyelids and resembling all sorts of geometric patterns even hallucinations that resembled the back of a playing card. When my eyes were open I recall seeing the river and sky and it looked like the tracking was off on a old vcr. Pulling and tweaked like a stretched tape and when my eyes closed again I could make out the alex grey like images such as eyes and colored metallic shells, even the chrysanthemum vision everyone describes in all sorts of colors I could only describe as a color wheel with lots of pastel looking colors on it.

Well I had to have some of this stuff for my own experiments. I bought a lil and went home to try it with my wife. She declined luckily because I am not sure what happened when I smoked it at home or if it was different stuff than what I tried earlier at the river but things were not the same.

I put a lil bit like a knife point on a bowl o weed and hit it a couple of times. Right away I did not have the same feeling. It didn't feel as good as I did the first time. The first time I felt the anesthetic feeling come over me loss of oxygen in the room and a sense of quiet. This time the feeling shot straight into my head and felt like a burning of some sort.
This time the feeling shot straight into my head and felt like a burning of some sort.
Also there were no great hallucinations or pleasure coming over me. I felt an urgency to get up off the couch and walk into the other room where I looked at myself in the mirror and felt a bit insane. I returned to the living room where I laid back on the couch to ride it out and closed my eyes to find that there were trace hallucinations but nothing like I had first experienced where it was like stepping through alice's looking glass. After I returned I felt very confused and eyes were even a lil out of focus. Like you wanted to hit your head to get your bearings straight again. Strange.

Anyways. I read somewhere that the experience is not the same if you use again in short term so I waited till the next day to try again.

Confident to find the land I had been to the first time, I put on some jimi hendrix and put a lil damiana in the pipe and again a knife tip of the DMT and proceeded to smoke carefully. After taking the hits I felt a chemical change in my brain almost like a DMT induced lobotomy. I mean call me crazy but I felt the stuff in the middle of my brain like toward the front of my head. Once again no fun hallucinations but things were kind of shape shifty but nothing like on LSD which I have used more times than this tripper cares to mention. For the rest of the DMT 'trip' I laid back to try and regain my thoughts, I then got up to go outside thinking that maybe a change of scenery would do me good. I felt very lost and panicky even though it was my own backyard. Once again returned to the bed to ride it out.

After the trip I felt very confused and disoriented, extremely lethargic and like I said before I felt like a part of my brain had been burnt. I know what I have read and it says it takes 2 hours sometimes to recover but that is a long scenario as most people describe it as an hour. It took me 2 days to lose the lethargy
It took me 2 days to lose the lethargy
and still the feeling like oops I should not have done that. I would have to say it was a life changing the same way my trip on 5 hits of the real purple gel tab acid was. Totally intense. Well needless to say the first time was a blast the second and third have me turned off of this stuff forever. Shaman this and shaman that I dont think they were preparing this stuff with ether and lye. I'm sure they had other methods of extracting this for ayahusca. Anyways I guess it all depends on the person, and I feel I am an experienced user and totally respect a powerful drug and do use responsibly. Not sure what happened to me but a warning for everyone that there is always a different side of the same coin. If you are prepared to trip always expect the unexpected and never trust a baggie of powder. I also still feel like I can remember the smell and taste even though this was 3 days ago. No more of this stuff for me. Good ol LSD never played me wrong and the like for the shrooms. Be careful my friends before you decide to embark on this unreliable journey.
My word.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86612
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 36
Published: Feb 27, 2020Views: 793
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DMT (18) : Hangover / Days After (46), General (1), Various (28)

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