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The Dimension
Citation:   peaceandpot. "The Dimension: An Experience with Ketamine (exp86672)". Apr 15, 2018.

  repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
General Information

Prior to this experience I knew very little of the substance known as ketamine. I normally do my research on drugs that I know very little about before doing them, but this chance came suddenly. The people I was doing ketamine with were well versed in its effects and had developed a huge tolerance to it as they have been doing it for well over 2 months.

The Experience ( I do not remember the times that everything occured at )

I met up with my friends J G and A, and we went to go meet our dealer, on the way we were discussing the effects of ketamine and I was asking them about their previous experiences with ketamine. I was very intrigued with what they said. After getting off the bus we went to meet our dealer at a local park. After picking up the ketamine my friend G began to give us bumps. My friends have all been doing ketamine for many months and have built up a tolerance and the bumps my friend G was giving us were 'normal' for them but were too large for me. J and A both warned G to give me smaller bumps. G asked me if I wanted smaller bumps but I said no. J G and A had 3 bumps and didnt want anymore, and gave me the rest. I took 2 more bumps and waited for it to kick in.

After taking the first bumps I was greeted by the cold drips, it wasnt unpleasant like the drips from snorting M, but rather it was very soothing. I got up from the spot I was sitting at walked maybe 2-3 feet when I fell to the ground. I couldnt move and got scared. I crossed my legs and rested my head on my lap. Everything went black for a bit, and then I saw someone sitting on the ground in the exact same position I was in. I looked around and was floating in space. I gazed back down at the figure sitting on the ground and realized it was. I struggled to open my eyes and when I did I saw my 3 friends sitting around me. They were talking and I asked them what the fuck is happening to me. They said I was in a Khole. My friend G asked me to cup my hands so he could show me something he took his hands and placed them a few inches above my hands and a ball of energy apeared. I screamed and shook my hands and the ball remained in the air. I could see sparks arching from the ball and hitting the ground. My eye lids grew having and I closed them and rested my head back in my lap. I saw flourescent green triangles stacking on top of each other forming a larger triangle. Then there was a flashing light and there was blackness everywhere. Thats the last I remember under the influence of ketamine. My next memory is coming out of the ketamine trance. J started to talk to me ' holy fuck man are you all right?'

I threw up and J helped me stand up. I asked him how long I was out for and he said 2 hours. The rest of the night went by in a blur, the only thing I remember from the end of the night is vowing not to ever do ketamine again. The experience scared me and for a great part of the high I thought I was going to die. About a week later I did Ketamine again at a lesser dose and the experience was very enjoyable, after that I did ketamine a few more times hoping to khole again, but have never succeded

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86672
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Apr 15, 2018Views: 1,194
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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