For One Minute I Understood Eternity
by M
Citation:   M. "For One Minute I Understood Eternity: An Experience with Ether (exp86685)". Apr 30, 2018.

30 ml inhaled Ether
I've always been into anesthetics, so one day I decided to try ether - the primitive but effective choice.

Being a chemistry student I simply grabbed a bottle from the university lab. I took a small plastic baggy and put a piece of ether soaked cotton into it, put the bag over may mouth and nose and inhaled. It hit me in a matter of seconds. The ether dried up after half a minute. By then I was lying comfortably in my bed, starting to loose my vision. I craved for more, so I dragged my body up from bed and poured some more into the bag, this did it.

After inhaling deeply for a minute or so, a sudden revelation about the nature of life and eternity came to me and I struggled to put it down on paper, afraid that I wouldn't be able to remember it after I came to. This record however made no sense at all when I examined it afterwards.

But for once, under ether, I understood eternity.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86685
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Apr 30, 2018Views: 2,248
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