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A Rushing Brilliance - Dangerously Thrilling
Citation:   starryeyed. "A Rushing Brilliance - Dangerously Thrilling: An Experience with LSD & MDMA (exp86737)". Jun 20, 2019.

2 hits   LSD
  300 mg   MDMA

There was an echo like a gunshot in my head—the sound of a million deadbolts on a million doors of perception breaking open. Suddenly, the world was flooded with color.

There was a whole new magic in lights, which had all become part of a melted oil painting bleeding fantastically across the twilight canvas. Liquid trails held hands, dancing and swaying—the sensation that everything really was connected, in a way that seemed so simple now.

There was euphoria and clarity and raw power, a rushing brilliance I found dangerously thrilling. I knelt before the Pool of Knowledge and drank heavily, mad to live and share it. The lines that separated my emotions from those of others were erased, and I knew not where I ended and others began.
The lines that separated my emotions from those of others were erased, and I knew not where I ended and others began.

There was awareness of brain damage and the fearsome dragon of mania, but it mattered little. I swam through molten energy fields and the endless sea of space-time, feeling all that had once been intangible slipping between my fingers like honey. I kissed Infinity, felt the pulse at heart of the universe, and heard the Word whispered in my eager ear.

There was a state of perpetual revelation, constant sermonizing—an outflux of tangled poetry and metaphors that confounded anyone but me. Accidental riddles spiraled inward and collapsed, providing their own answers. Each sentence devoured itself, as a snake chewing its own tail. Thoughts converged and shattered and collided, exploding with fireworks of epiphany that were only mine to see. Genuine enlightenment, it seemed, didn’t translate. The psychedelic flames illuminated the Truth, but burned away the proof before it could be spoken.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86737
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jun 20, 2019Views: 1,090
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MDMA (3), LSD (2) : General (1), Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Mystical Experiences (9), Unknown Context (20)

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