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Thoroughly Undescribable
Citation:   Killer7. "Thoroughly Undescribable: An Experience with Cannabis (exp86843)". Apr 16, 2020.

5 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis
I had this experience during the summer, during a week I spent alone at my house. I had used marijuana before, but nothing like this.

This was about my third time using marijuana. The few times I had smoked before this had taken place in the same spot around the same time. I had bought 2 grams off of a friend earlier in the day, and had 4 waiting for me at home. I went home and rolled about 4 joints, packing them with as much as possible. This was at midnight. It took me about an hour to finish rolling (I am extremely thorough) and was finally ready to go out and smoke. I smoked the first joint in my backyard, standing beside my room. I was starting to relax, and felt my limbs become heavy, as though I was being pinned to where I was standing. I felt as though I could fall asleep standing up. About halfway through my second joint, I began to feel pleasure, as though two women were running their hands all over me, tenderly stroking and pulling at me. At this point my music began to contribute to the pleasure, every beat leading to stronger satisfaction. I was about to start my fourth joint. The world in front of me felt as though it barely existed, and I had come in my pants multiple times. I felt thoroughly happy, was unable to stop grinning, and it felt as though the pleasure would never end.

Halfway through the fourth joint, I noticed a small amount of movement out of the corner of my eye, and watched a family of raccoons parade across my yard twice. I was very nervous about having them notice me, thinking they would attack me. I decided to finish the rest of my fourth joint and my fifth joint on my porch. I walked up my stairs, fairly dizzy and laughing. I could tell at this point that I was higher than I had ever been before. I finished my last two joints. I felt the pleasure grow even stronger and become constant. Every colour and noise had become infinitely entertaining. I went inside my house, and was embraced by a warm feeling. I can only describe this feeling as being similar to Christmas eve as a six year old, as though my whole family was watching me from my living room, smiling. I felt their love as an almost tactile sensation, completely embraced by their warmth. This was also the happiest and most fulfilled I had ever felt in my life. I sat down on my couch and closed my eyes. I believe it was about 2:50 am at this point. I felt my entire body almost solidify, the pleasure becoming even more of an internal thing, greater than anything I had felt before. I was having strong closed-eye visuals. I was able to picture anything I wanted. I pictured myself on a king sized bed, with red covers and pillows with black lace frills. On top of me the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life was pleasuring me, smiling and telling me how much she loved me. I had never felt so “full”. It felt as though nothing in my life was missing, every moment was more perfect than the last. I was surrounded by only love and happiness, as though my entire physical and mental selves were completely composed of pleasure and joy. I was vaguely aware of outside stimulus other than my music, acting as my leader through this torrential downpour of pure bliss.

This was the single most powerful moment of my life. I was still coming up on this high, reaching the plateau. The music playing in my mind painted the entire spectrum of my existence with colour and sound. Each note more glorious than the last. It was at this point that I believe I fell into my own dream. I can only assume it was around six in the morning. I had begun lucid dreaming, painting my own mental universe with colours I hadn’t seen before. I woke up the next day on my couch, at about 2 PM. This was the most amazing experience I had ever had in my life. I still have an afterglow from this night, it occurred around two weeks before me writing this report. I haven’t tried marijuana since, but have been constantly upbeat since that night. I honestly feel like my only goal in life is to become as truly happy as I was during that night. I know that I must have experienced more than I remember, but I can’t remember much after 2:30 that night. I’ve begun putting more effort into every aspect of my life, and have become less confrontational. The entire experience shined a much needed light on what my life needed, and what I feel I must fill it with. Pure Joy. I haven’t touched drugs since. This experience does leave me wondering why such a beautiful drug has been criminalized, or how people can blame this substance for their problems.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86843
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Apr 16, 2020Views: 577
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Cannabis (1) : Music Discussion (22), Sex Discussion (14), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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