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Too Low of a Dose
Citation:   existentialist. "Too Low of a Dose: An Experience with Cocaine (exp86889)". Feb 15, 2018.

1 line insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
I don't really have an epic experience trying cocaine for the first time, but I thought I should share it. I bought $20 of cocaine from my old dealers ex-girlfriends brother (who turned out to be a much better dealer). I sampled some off of his knife, some of it got stuck in my nose (one should snort from the tip of your nose, not the back) and left with my small bag about the size of a dime with me. I went home, got out my mirror and rolled up a $1 and snorted about 1 lines worth of coke. I didn't notice too much besides more alertness, some more confidence, and a drip in the back of my nose/throat. Next time I do it I hope to get an 8ball so I can better feel the effects, in some ways I think what I bought was too diluded/cut but friends of mine who had done it before say I got the right amount for what I paid.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86889
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Feb 15, 2018Views: 996
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