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A Magical World
Citation:   Michael Hains. "A Magical World: An Experience with 2C-E (exp86931)". Jun 10, 2018.

10 mg oral 2C-E
This is my story while taking 2C-E. It was a fun and worthwhile experience. Like Shulgin says; 'A difficult and worthwhile Material.'

10:45 PM ingested 10 mg orally

11:21 PM still no effects went on walk

11:45 PM still no effects

12:12 AM starting to notice effects; inhanced colors, music sounds good,
A general sense of euphoria everything is starting to look really 'nice' and appealing

12:16 AM feels like I am at the peak of an MDMA experience

12:28 AM extreme time dilation everything is funny!

12:37 AM lots of movement in my visuals starting to get reallly trippy

12:49 AM just thought I'd been on it for several hours time dilation is
Deffinantly present also lots of euphoric feeling and both closed eye and open eye hallucinations seeing 'Persian Rug' patterns all over

1:01 AM hard to function deffenantly at a +++ on the shulgin rating scale

1:14 AM trippin

1:22 AM music is effecting what I see lots of rainbow patterns and major hallucinations

2:08 AM trippin heavy now hard to hold a conversation

2:15 AM heavy hallucinations a +++ on the Shulgin scale

2:30 AM I wrote the same thing twice that is how I know I'm tripping

3:00 AM made 24 waffles ate half saved the rest for mom, eating was the most amazing feeling ever

5:39 AM coming down off the effects overall it was an excellent experiance

Lots of synesthesia throughout the entire experience.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86931
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jun 10, 2018Views: 680
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2C-E (137) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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