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Tired of Caffeine, Tired of Crash Naps!
Citation:   been on it all. "Tired of Caffeine, Tired of Crash Naps!: An Experience with Modafinil (exp87002)". Feb 8, 2016.

100 mg oral Modafinil
I've been drinking crappy energy drinks for years.... and noticed the side effects started becoming worse: shakes, heart beating too fast, and crashing out in the middle of the day.

I bought some Provigil online.... yes legally of course.... and only took half the 200mg pill.

With caffeine, I feel crazy spun but still crash! Without caffeine however, this drug is perfect for keeping me on a steady plane all day. I can feel the peak about 2-3hrs in, which is nice, music sounds a little better and my attitude at work has improved. I'm more talkative and actually said 'good' when there was more work to do. That's incredible for me, since I have not felt that way since coming off of Suboxone 5 months ago. I've been trying to boost up with caffeine, but truly Modafinil works great. I've generally taken 100mg a day to replace caffeine and feel great! Only side effect was a slight headache the other day that lasted into the next day :(

HOWEVER: I just read online that it effects hormonal birth control!! This is a huge thing for me!

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87002
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Feb 8, 2016Views: 1,911
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Modafinil (217) : Performance Enhancement (50), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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