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Epic Stories, Shot at Different Locations
Silene capensis & Synaptolepis kirkii
Citation:   3dempty. "Epic Stories, Shot at Different Locations: An Experience with Silene capensis & Synaptolepis kirkii (exp87014)". Mar 10, 2016.

500 mg buccal Silene capensis (roots)
  500 mg   Synaptolepis kirkii  
I noticed after chewing on 500mgs. of the silene cap. roots for 4 days that I began to have very long involved dreams, more like acting in a well written play. What I found interesting after a few of these all night dreams whose story continued all night long, was that they seemed to broken up into different acts.

My assumption is that this is correlation with my REM cycles. Although the story continued it was taking place at a different place, it also moved along in the plot progression.

The added use of (500mgs) Synaptolepis kirkii made the dreams easier to recall. I've recently procured the five herbs needed for the ubulawu dream mix, red ubulawu, rhus pauciflorus, helinus integrifolius, acacia xanthophloea, and syn. kirkii.

-sweet dreams hopefully

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87014
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Mar 10, 2016Views: 4,353
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Silene capensis (386), Dreams (85) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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