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Sad Times
Citation:   Lennoxman. "Sad Times: An Experience with MDMA (exp87021)". Feb 26, 2020.

T+ 0:00
  repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
  T+ 0:00 0.5 capsls oral MDMA
  T+ 1:00 1.0 capsl oral MDMA
  T+ 3:00 1 tablet oral MDMA
I was very keen for a fun weekend with my girlfriend so I organised some MDMA from a trusted mate and prepared for the nights concert. We went out and had a few beers and dinner at which time we took half a cap each
We went out and had a few beers and dinner at which time we took half a cap each
as we had been told that it was pure MDMA with no speed mixed in. The other two times I had done pills I had enjoyed it without raving about it but the settings were not right for the heart pounding buzz that had occured before. This time was perfect and my girl is a frequent user so it was to be fun. Anyway we met up with a few friends and then took the another cap as it had been an hour and we both felt nothing. After another hour and still nothing we figured that the MDMA was crap and that we needed something else. A friend got us 2 more each and so a full three hours after the first cap we had the first of the new pills.

My girl started really enjoying herself and dancing up a storm whereas I felt nothing at all. This made me feel really detached from her and generally stupid for trying to have fun. I didnt want do be a downer on her night as she was so happy and I coundn't figure out why she would want me there at all so I walked out and sat alone for the rest of the night totally sad but certainly not buzzing.

Anyway she came and found me a while later angry I had made her worry and all I could think about was how she was going to leave me. We went outside and my stomach was spinning even though I was fully functioning. Despite a fair few drinks I was totally sober just sick and so very sad. We went home and I spent the rest of the night being sick and not able to sleep. She was a bit seedy but was ok.

The next day all I could think about was how bad the relationship was and I was massively insecure
The next day all I could think about was how bad the relationship was and I was massively insecure
which is not my usual thing. All that day I ate nothing and just wanted her pathetically close. The next day was the one that worried me. I just couldn't shake from my head that I was worthless and that the relationship was doomed.

I may have the odd issue but this was something else and if that is all the MDMA did for me then I am pretty reluctant to take it again.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87021
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 36
Published: Feb 26, 2020Views: 724
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MDMA (3) : Club / Bar (25), Relationships (44), Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3)

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