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Liquid Lust + Love
MDMA & Oxycodone with Acetaminophen
Citation:   kinkydoll. "Liquid Lust + Love: An Experience with MDMA & Oxycodone with Acetaminophen (exp87177)". Jan 27, 2018.

T+ 0:00
  oral Vitamins / Supplements
  T+ 0:00 1 tablet oral MDMA
  T+ 0:00 1 tablet oral Oxycodone
  T+ 0:00   oral Acetaminophen
  T+ 4:00 1 tablet oral MDMA
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis
  T+ 0:00 1 shot oral Alcohol - Hard
  T+ 0:00 1 tablet oral Pharms - Escitalopram
New to MDMA Not Drugs! Liquid Lust + Love

I am a very experienced drug user. I have tailored down my vices to weekly use from many times daily use for years. I want to discuss my background a little bit before going into my FIRST experience with MDMA/Ecstasy at the age of 53 yrs old.

I had recently went through an almost pentecostal reformation and programming session they give in Substance Abuse treatment programs for profit in the USA. And all this because I needed to be weaned off pain pills that were legally prescribed for me. And for the 2nd time that all drugs are bad, irresponsible, life threatening and more of the garbage I have been hearing from the government for years about the horrors about drugs including in the futile and senseless War on Drugs. I feel drugs should be legalised unless they are likely to cause instant death. I don't think young children should be allowed to do them. I had had a pretty heavy dependency on painkillers for various reasons and to benzodiazepines - the WORSE thing ever to get off bar none was the benzos.

But I had done more and more educated research as the TRUTH to the treatment center, high profit fear that was being peddled my way. It may be the way to go for some people if it is impacting their lives in some major way. If they do almost die, though actually I believe this would be infrequent if it was legalised and controlled. Some of their concerns were valid. BUT to my benefit I have never had an out-of-control, life-affecting dependency to anything. I like Marijuana, a few drinks now and then and occasional pharmaceutical drugs out there because I object more and more to the safety of street drugs and the horrific crap they put in some of them. I WAS dependent of narcotics -- prescription painkillers -- so had decided I would need to be cautious about increasing my physical dependency on them despite my need for pain relief which exceeds my desire to get high. Accomplishing both a HIGH AND Pain relief is a wonderful thing. Finally I felt informed to the majority of anything that had any interest to me. I read the good and the bad. The in between and materials from more liberal countries like the Netherlands. I wanted to KNOW what was right for me and proceed.

I am taking Percocet/Oxycodone and find it does the trick. My objection to them is the terrible amount of Tylenol that is in them and the toxic effects of that lead to a bunch of liver enzyme elevations when I finally went through an uncomfortable detox.

I am an artist and a writer. I like doing some mind-altering drug combination to put me into the almost religious states I find on some of the pet combinations that lead to an almost Nirvana type experience for me.
I like doing some mind-altering drug combination to put me into the almost religious states I find on some of the pet combinations that lead to an almost Nirvana type experience for me.
This enhances the best art I have had and produced and sold over the years. I am very well known. I am very into Tantric sexual experiences and love to meditate to almost epiphany-type spiritual erotic euphoria without drugs. Adding them seems to amplify this very much.

I recently and happily fell madly in love with a French Canadian man who is VERY liberal and educated in his viewpoints on drugs. He thinks the War on Drugs is a joke, worthless and is primarily about FEAR and Money, nothing else. I have to say after debating and discussing this much with him, I now agree. He is a chemist, a computer programmer, is humble, confident, Tantric, and very much advocates the use of MDMA in a sane and erotic manner. I was intrigued. Very. Skeptical as I had only heard about the HORRORS of ecstasy, the deaths, nightclubs that killed overheated dancers, young kids dying, dehydration and other such horrors. As I am a bit overweight and have a bit of High Blood Pressure I wished to make sure I was being safe. I learned more about this drug.

Finally I told my now fiancé I wished to experience this drug in a safe, quiet environment, with him and let him watch/lead me through it. He knows a lot about serotonin as do I. He knows a good good deal about this particular drug and can't say enough good about it if you drink a lot and don't get overheated.

So my first night was a nervous one, but exciting one for me. We had had a lot of rest beforehand. We both took mega B-complex vitamins and a kicker of 2500 mg of sublingual Vit B12. We got a decent source for the Ecstasy and got 4 tablets. I took a Percocet because of my physical pain.

On hand I had my pharmaceutical cornucopia of prescription stuff I have on hand over the years. Notable for me were three, a benzodiazepine (Serax), an SSRI for after (Lexapro) and incidentally for me, Bentyl which is excellent for anything like GI cramps, which I had pretty badly at first. I needed a couple other things to make sure I was safe. To eat first, which we did. Sleep enough, which we did and have tons of juice and water around. The apple juice was best for me. (I think Orange Juice 'might' upset some peoples' stomachs, it did mine.) Apple Juice did not upset my stomach and it kept me hydrated. I had to remember to drink though.

The passage of time for the duration was unclear.

I will start with the negative effects. First, it felt too much like Speed, the one drug I do NOT tolerate very well, though it was more like caffeine speed, not Adderall type speed. It made me nervous. Shakey. The second negative effect was the stomach upset and cramping. I was told this was not unordinary and was grateful I had Bentyl in my house for such a thing coming up.

I took an orange Xanax for the mini 'chest pains' (was anxious I could have a heart attack I think?) and the jitters. It did the trick almost miraculously for me. Most people I have talked to since LIKE this amphetamine/speed type effect. It is not for me. I like the energy ALOT though and I felt like I had volumes of energy.

So here is how that night continued. We were having some pretty amazing sex normally between each other. I was hoping some of the hype about Ecstasy and sex was true. Even 25% better than our super powerful and erotic, Tantric like sex life would have made it TREMENDOUS! I am happy to say it not only increased it, it more than increased it both qualitatively AND quantitatively by 5 times!!

I felt like 'Liquid Lust' and melting passion. I could 'feel' his Love for me in a palpable, real, and passionate manner. If we had just held each other stroking one another and touching each other it would have been fabulous. Colors were brighter, sounds were better (though I liked stuff like Kitaro and Pink Floyd the best and I love classic and hard rock, not on ecstasy. I like music in the genres of trance, New Age, YoYoMa and kitaro. Soft heavy rock, pink floyd etc.). We took a long time touching one another and I can honestly say in my very experienced love life I have never experienced anything close to this. I believe that LOVE with Ecstasy, the hugely empathic effects make it feel like a much deeper more powerful everything. It is a kinesthetic experience. No matter what side effects I experienced so far I am profoundly grateful I did this and have done it again since.

I love candles, soft flickering almost spoke to me like a psychedelic experience but nowhere near to LSD I tried in the 70's and 80's and could not tolerate well.

This was one drug I had never tried. (Except Heroin) I can't believe I waited so long! I did feel everything in such an amazing level. I feel ,despite the downs for a couple of days (not too bad for me really, just really tired), I would never hesitate to do it again!!!

My fiance had discussed how this drug was developed and in particular for people with serious PTSD which I do have. I was curious but a bit afraid. I cannot say how much it relieved almost ALL of my symptoms and left me with a sense of what seemed like Divinity given peace of mind and harmony. They need to re investigate with stuff and re explore selling it for this use alone. Add to that that for sexual reasons I am certain because there is a slight indifference to whether one orgasms or not, I feel it would be excellent for those who have sexual delay problems like premature ejaculation for example. Satisfaction is SO high.

As for the dosing and other drugs. I took first 1 tab. I repeated this in about 4 hours to keep it 'rolling' and so now I understand what they mean when they talk about 'rolling'. It does seem to roll up in intensity and down over a time period. A few times in the couple of hours after I took it, I felt almost 'straight' only to be hit with yet another wave of intensity. I don't think this was pure Molly/MDMA but I am certain since I have done pure that it was good. (Quality and dosing sadly is NOT consistent on the street, but if you know who you get it from it is better.)

I did smoke about 2 hits of decent marijuana a couple of times that night. I had one screwdriver - not alot of alcohol and I am glad as I feel I would have 'missed' some of the effect if I had drank more alcohol. The marijuana and one drink made it a bit more pleasurable for me. I was smiling a lot. I liked everything and everyone. I loved my cats more! I think they sensed it too as they were super affectionate and tender too. I don't think Ecstasy would do much if I was alone, not doing anything or I was bored. It seems to require Kinesthetic experiences like sex/love making, music, dance or other ACTIVE/Interactive pursuits to be the most pleasurable an experience. My fiance told me the first time he did this drug he laid in a Hammock - swing on his porch and did not move. He said for that reason he did not 'seem' to get much out of it until a chemist friend of his who sold him his 'Molly' - or MDMA -- told him he had to do things while he took it. I agree strongly.

As a couple of people recommended I had an SSRI on hand (a type of antidepressant like Effexor, Lexapro, or Prozac) and took that just before I went to sleep. It had 2 effects. It almost stopped the effects of the Ecstasy within minutes of being absorbed so I could go to sleep. It helped with the little emotional 'crash' the next 2 days. I would not do it if I had to go into work the next day. I slept a bunch and after the 2nd nights sleep felt almost normal.

I would never deter anyone else who was an adult to do so as well. It is like Liquid Love, Liquid Sex, Liquid passion and more!!

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87177
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 53
Published: Jan 27, 2018Views: 2,461
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MDMA (3) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Sex Discussion (14), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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