I Would Flash Back and Feel Paralyzed
Cannabis after Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Anonymous. "I Would Flash Back and Feel Paralyzed: An Experience with Cannabis after Salvia divinorum (exp87215)". Erowid.org. Sep 19, 2019. erowid.org/exp/87215

T+ 0:00
50 mg smoked Salvia divinorum
  T+ 24:00   smoked Cannabis
Flashbacks of Salvia Divinorum

This is my experience from the point I used a small bong to smoke 5x salvia extract and when I later used marijuana everyday over the course of 4 days and gradually had detailed flashbacks to my salvia trip.

After hitting the bong, the few seconds of feeling odd and possessed were the starting points of something much more profound. I set down my bong and leaned against the bed and relaxed, and my boyfriend grabbed my shoulders and I felt his face close to me, “It’s okay, it’s okay” he repeated, “Everything is going to be all right” the voice permeated in a manner that made me perceive it as deep and confident, “Everything is going to be all right” I heard between my rasping breaths of life slipping away from me
“Everything is going to be all right” I heard between my rasping breaths of life slipping away from me
, and unto the blackness I fell, having sequentially seen myself more and more as third person.

I was tossed into a space where thoughts were echoes of themselves and words passed by one’s mind in gargles of simultaneously sensing these things. The consciousness of everything, so it seems, a place where I felt no thought of my identity, and then everything changed, tunneling into reality and the room I was sitting in, but the geometric shapes kept passing and passing reality playing this terrible song. “Are you all right?” I heard him say, and I realized I wanted very badly to come back to this moment and I fought very hard, eventually splitting the whole room into pieces of wood and in real time, I hyperventilated and spoke, “Oh my god, oh my god,” those words echoed painfully in my psyche along with the harsh breathing, “What? What’s wrong?” “N-Never again.”

Was what I had been through possible? It seemed that way, and it was a strong feeling of a forbidden nature, that what I saw is not for most people to see, and I don’t know what that means exactly but it hurts the physical self to do this, to see it, and feel so profoundly about it. I tried to flush my salvia down the toilet, I called it evil, I dumped water all over myself, tripped over a lamp and broke it, and finally I had to lie down and let the trip pass by staring at the ceiling. I felt very hot and told my boyfriend, “Never again, do you promise?” “I promise.”

It is at this time I say that upon deep reflection, this would be my reason to not expose myself to salvia anymore, not in this life, if I wish to live so physically in it with all my emotions and spirit so tied to physical beings. The after effects lasted for a long while that day, ranging from feelings of content bliss and terrifying anxiety.

When I vaporized marijuana over a span of 3 days and had maybe 2-4 bowls a day, I would flash back and feel paralyzed for a few moments and remember many details. Upon the fourth day, this is exactly how I remember it, and I don’t feel anymore flash backs.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87215
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Sep 19, 2019Views: 628
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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