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I Just Passed Out
Cannabis & LSD
by Cody
Citation:   Cody. "I Just Passed Out: An Experience with Cannabis & LSD (exp87334)". Dec 13, 2018.

T+ 0:00
2 hits   LSD
  T+ 5:00 3 hits smoked Cannabis
The acid trip was great. A very good time, but thats not what I'm here to talk about. About 5 hours after taking the acid, while I was coming down, we smoked a joint on the deck. Everything was going fine, I only hit the joint about 3 times before it was gone.

All of a sudden, I was just staring at the fire. Everyones voices blended together in a maelstrom of words. Next thing I know, my friends are all looking at me asking if I had just had a seizure. I don't think I had a seizure I just passed out. At this point I was pretty scared, so I went in the house. I remember falling on the ground in the living room and just being unable to move. After this happened I stood up and went into a dark room to lay on the bed. Everything was coated with stars and circles and it looked like the matrix in that room.

I got up after I calmed down, went into the kitchen and attempted to tell the story of what just happened. Apparently I had passed out again and they caught me. I laid on the ground in the kitchen for a while and then went upstairs to go to bed. I was laying in my bed watching Monty Python when all of a sudden my spine started to ache. I knew it was happening again, so I rolled over and put my face in a pillow. This seemed to stop me from passing out again. Overall, it was worth it. I lived, and looking back on it the next day, it was kinda funny.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87334
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Dec 13, 2018Views: 812
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LSD (2), Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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