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Pure Energy
Citation:   LivelyUp. "Pure Energy: An Experience with MDMA (exp87372)". Jul 9, 2019.

  oral MDMA
Everything is pure energy.
I can see the sound and feel the love.
The vibration fills my body, moving fast and slow and fast and slow.
It is like the blood running through my body is dancing now instead of flowing.
I see a simple, gold beaded chain. The on/off switch of a ceiling fan.
Something so simple and yet as I continue to look at it, it seems to grow longer and longer.
Now it sprinkles down to the floor like specks of gold filling the room and illuminating my senses.
The music is wonderful.

It is time to go for a ride, I am the passenger, of course. As we make our way onto the street, I see headlights straight ahead. As they move closer toward us, the lights glow brightly almost like fireworks.

Now we are on the highway and every headlight, brake light, traffic light and street light explode like beautiful fireworks, but slowly moving with the music. I see some change from yellow, to red, then green and these everyday, simple actions become the most beautiful light show I have ever seen. The music is pulsing through me and I feel my complete self and all energies of the universe pulsing through me as well.

I am at peace and the days worries are not lost or shoved in the back of my mind, but caught up in all of this energy and even they are beautiful. I will now go home and take this feeling of beautiful energy with me to my dreams...ahhhh those beautiful cartoon dreams and when I awake I know that sense of peace, love and pure energy will stay with me for days to come. PLUR

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87372
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 565
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