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Positive Altogether
Amanita Amerimuscaria
Citation:   Happenstance. "Positive Altogether: An Experience with Amanita Amerimuscaria (exp87631)". Nov 8, 2022.

T+ 0:00
3 caps oral Amanitas
  T+ 4:30   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
Amanita Amerimuscaria (formerly var. Alba) from Mt St Helens WA

*NOTE* Although I did, I do not endorse the cultivation and consumption of fungi that are not 100% identified by accredited mycologist. Please be careful and responsible with all food from the wild and all psychoactive substances. Please note the depth of my research and identification process.

1. Finding - Mount St. Helens, WA

2. ID - between various resources I was able to positively identify my specimens as Amerimuscaria myself for a few reasons.
A. I collected them in a variety of stages, fully open, concave & splitting at the edges, and unopened. I also left a younger specimen at the location so that it may mature and drop its spores to ensure future generations.
B. The warts on top indicating remnants of the universal veil.
C. Season - I collected on Oct 1, Amanita are found between Aug-Oct
D. Location - Pacific NW
E. Skirt - one of which was partially attached to the gills
F. Concentric rings of ruffles around the base
D. Stalks were white & about twice as large at the base as they were at the cap & had large a large bulbous bulge at the bottom where they entered the ground.
E. Color - orange-gold, except in younger specimens which were red (discoloration due to sun exposure)

3. Verification - Before ingesting any large amounts I took one medium-sized cap (apx 4 inches in diameter) & parboiled it for about 20-30 minutes on a low simmer. The liquid was made into a tea and the pieces of flesh were ingested slowly along with the tea over an hour time span. The delicious taste & no negative effects assured me that I had Amerimuscaria.

4. Preparation - The remaining caps (1 large, 6”; 2 medium, 4”; and 3 small, 2-3”) were marinated with balsamic vinegar, onions, garlic, herbs, and olive oil in a casserole dish while the oven was preheated to 375* F. They cooked top-down for 10 minutes, then were flipped top-up for 5. A friend and myself ate them on buttered bread with a beer (probably not the best choice of beverage). They were yummy. She ate the smaller ones and I had the biggn’s. 2:30 pm

5. Onset - over the next hour we both had minor abdominal discomfort & got sleepy with minimal other effects. We decided to nap. 3:30pm

6. Effects - I slept for 3.5 hours straight, while she woke intermittently. We both drooled a considerable amount. Upon awakening I was quite elated and confirmed with my friend that we were both feeling energized, a bit like the onset of a few shots of liquor, and quite warm. I was giddy, but my stomach was still a bit too upset for dancing. 7:00pm

I smoked part of a cigarette and nearly vomited. It greatly contributed to my dizziness and stomach unease but I maintained. I had a residual metallic taste in my mouth. Experienced a large, runny bowel movement that contrasted greatly to the small solid one I experienced before consuming the fungus. 8:00pm

7. Comedown - After a shower I drank a ginger ale which eased my stomach. I was sober by 10:00pm

8. Overview - Positive experience altogether. Side effects: mild abdominal discomfort, drooling in sleep, elevated perception of temperature, metallic taste in mouth (not experienced by my friend). Appreciation for life.

Notes for next time: Don’t rinse the caps before-hand (I noticed that the water was the color of the caps and possibly removed some of the desired chemicals). Rather, try to keep them clean when picking. *While it is important to gather the stalks for identification purposes even if they aren’t going to be consumed, be sure to remove them promptly as they do sometimes contain maggots. Dry your caps in the sun, it won’t hurt the chemical you want, as opposed to psilocybin mushrooms which you will want to avoid all sun exposure with. Dry caps, pulverize in blender & make tea - it will be easiest, cleanest, and most efficient. Be careful, and be thankful!

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87631
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Nov 8, 2022Views: 266
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Amanitas (5) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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