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Twelve Caps Per Day
Citation:   rainman. "Twelve Caps Per Day: An Experience with Ketamine (exp87638)". Sep 18, 2017.

720 mg oral Ketamine (daily)
Ketamine Effects Prescribed

Prescribed Ketamine HCL 60mg caps 4 caps 3x daily oral. Total 12 caps per day. High dosage. Intended to reduce methadone intake. Working wonders. Lost 28 lbs in 8 weeks. High energy, not manic. Down to correct BMI. Very calm. Have yet to experience what they call 'K-Hole'. Reading comprehension and other understanding much higher. Not tripping. Emotions NOT masked. Bad taste in mouth though. Best anti-depressant EVER.

Tried every other drug for recreation. This is nothing like others, and I am being monitored closely by family and 2 doctors. Wonder what damage is being done to brain. But memory is crystal clear.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87638
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 45
Published: Sep 18, 2017Views: 2,161
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Ketamine (31) : Depression (15), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Medical Use (47), Not Applicable (38)

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