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Setting Control for the Heart of the Soul
AMT & Cannabis
Citation:   MindFood. "Setting Control for the Heart of the Soul: An Experience with AMT & Cannabis (exp87688)". Feb 14, 2019.

50 mg oral AMT  
    oral Alcohol  
    oral Cannabis (edible / food)
The Roger Water's concert was amazing and neither my wife nor I got any of the negative side effects as before, the atmosphere is so important with this drug. My wife wrote out her feelings from the concert and she says it so much better than I do, shes a brilliant writer and artist:

'I was so incredibly happy. With the first stroke of the guitar’s chord, I felt my entire body tremble with pleasing vibrations. I became increasingly connected to the artist, increasingly in love with the heavenly, angelic music as the concert played on. With every song sung, I could feel and know the mood behind it, as confidently as if I’d written it myself. I knew exactly how the artist was feeling and thinking at the time the song was made. It was almost as if I could see the story behind it, literally written in the sky as the song played out and it was incredible.

Never before have I been so comforted by music. It hugged my soul and wrapped me in a cocoon of intense love, peace, happiness and contentment. I was physically hit with waves of sound and entranced by the lights, drifting alongside them as if on a boat, swaying gently. Like stepping in a warm bath, the music vibrated up from my feet giving me shivers of pleasure. I felt such a connection, not just to the artist and his music, but to everyone around me. It was as if we were all in unison, thinking the same, appreciating the music and the world itself. I’ll never forget that experience, that delicious music and if I close my eyes, I can feel it just the same.'

We took the amt 2 hours before the concert started, and had some drinks at berry hill next door, while we waited. A friend of ours made some weed cookies and brought in a huge bag and put it right on the table and we all munched out, great high going while we came up. After we got into the pavilion we were waiting with friends in line for the atm and someone who worked there came and asked us to answer some questions on video backstage, we looked like total hippies with my hair all really long and all over the place, Hendrix shirt, and my wife with her black tye-dyed print shirt and straight hair down to her hips with a bunch of flowers and beads.

It just so happens that that 2 hour mark comes right in front of this bright light and video camera, and we tried our damndest to put together our sentences of our political views on bush and on god. I kept getting totally distracted by this microphone right over my head, and there was no hiding our black saucer eyes nor the crazy coming out, but it was all good and fun and they even mentioned acid a couple times!! We tried to get out as soon as possible because we didn't want to miss the show, and we then made our journey up the hill on the grass, everything feeling just as if we were at Woodstock 69.

One of my favorite Pink Floyd songs is set the controls for the heart of the sun, this brought me so much comfort deep within my heart, as I wasn't expecting him to play their really early stuff. I went into this heaven-like trance of empowerment when they started heart of the sun. My wife says the words for the music better than I do, and I felt the music just as her. I also felt as if I were completely IN love with the music, not just feeling that I love something as MDMA does, but truly in love as I am with only my wife. AMT has yet again shown another beautiful face. I to this day can not understand how something could make me feel IN love with something and every time I hear their music now I'm right back to that place with the feelings I distinctly remember
every time I hear their music now I'm right back to that place with the feelings I distinctly remember

We left for the restroom and when we came back it just happened he was singing the lunatic is on the grass, ironically as we stumbled our way through the crowd feeling crazy as all get out, apparently knocking over 3 or 4 popcorn bags, which our sober friend told us later.

I was feeling amazing, and I had no want to take the MDMA we had. This felt better than any tab I have ever taken. The music did for my mind, soul and body what MDMA does for emotions. It was bar none the best I had ever felt in my life.

There was nothing I wish would of been different except that he didn't play all night. We stayed there after the second encore and just sat in awe of this overpowering show. We felt as if they were still playing long after they left the stage, it was as if the music was a picture on acid that remained for the rest of the night. They kicked us out after sitting there for an hour as we kept smoking with not a care in the world.

We took the after party to La Quinta where probably half the place was filled with people from the concert and we sat there and reminisced for hours. We eventually split a tab which I did not even really want to do because I still felt so good from the concert, but we ended up taking it anyways... It did feel very good and I had this pronounced feeling of joy coming from my heart. I sat there and closed my eyes, grabbed my chest, and breathed in true peace.

I actually loved the feeling of contentment that the AMT brought moreso than the emotional bliss I get from MDMA. MDMA is one sided in a sense of how it brings me joy; AMT breaks all boundaries that I now know MDMA has, it was the best I have ever felt, even better than the first time of MDMA.

Now, two years later that experience is still one of the most memorable times of my life.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 87688
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Feb 14, 2019Views: 1,032
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AMT (7) : Combinations (3), Music Discussion (22), Glowing Experiences (4), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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