Dream Root Extended Use
Silene capensis & DMT
Citation:   Suougibma. "Dream Root Extended Use: An Experience with Silene capensis & DMT (exp87733)". Erowid.org. Mar 11, 2016. erowid.org/exp/87733

1 g   Silene capensis (daily)
I just wanted to get this out there.

I use Silene capensis regularly, I try to keep a supply on hand and use it every other week or two to keep the dreams flowing [1g per day for 4 days repeated every other week or two]. Rather than discuss my dreams which does little for anyone reading this I will merely confirm that, yes, indeed my dreams are enhanced. Generally it takes me 4 doses of 4 days before the dreams start kicking in
Generally it takes me 4 doses of 4 days before the dreams start kicking in
, the active compound is a saponin (soap) as such it is a long fatty chain that takes some time to cross the blood-brain barrier (3-4 days on average). The intensity of my dreams remains constant for about 1 week, after which they start to slowly diminish during the next week or two. When they become less noticeable I take more root until it is noticeable again. I tend to go through 14g every month.

The main reason I am writing this is to discuss long-term effects from repeated use. I have noticed that continually having this compound on board has significantly decreased the amount of sleep I need to be restored and has regulated my sleep patterns a great deal. In general I am a 8-9 hour sleeper but use of this plant has dropped it to an average of 6 hours. I actually feel more rested from 6hrs of S.c. sleep than 8-9 hours of no S.c. sleep. This is excellent news for me or anyone else attending graduate school. Not only do I get help with my course work through living things out in my dreams, I need less sleep and feel more energized through the day to bust my ass.

Food for thought,

Have fun!

P.S. I am an avid user of DMT and have noticed that when I take S.c. and it is active in my brain and then use DMT, the amount needed to blast off is far less (50% less) and the duration is increase about 150%. I have also noticed that when S.c is on board and I do use DMT during the day that during that night I either feel a DMT trip coming on as I fall asleep leading to incredible dreams or during a vivid dream state I will take DMT and have a major trip during my dream (both are bizarre occurrences and cheap!).

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87733
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Mar 11, 2016Views: 5,473
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Silene capensis (386), Dreams (85) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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