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Terrifying Dreams
Citation:   Ian D.. "Terrifying Dreams: An Experience with Quetiapine (exp87735)". Dec 19, 2017.

100 mg oral Pharms - Quetiapine (pill / tablet)
After experiencing true insomnia at the hands of my Bipolar I Disorder, I was hospitalized and given 100 mg of Seroquel at night, to fall asleep. Waking up at 3:30 AM, I ran to the nurse's station frightened and in need of Klonopin to calm myself down. Here is what I saw:

In the first stage of my dream, I was standing in the parking lot of an abandoned factory. My father pulled up in an unmarked 'rapist' van, smoking a cigarette. I said, 'Dad, you don't smoke!' and he promptly peeled out in the vacant parking lot and sped away.

In the second stage, I was in the Emergency Room, being injected repeatedly with painkillers. I clearly remember shouting, 'Make it STOP!!!!' but there was no end to the stabbing. The dream was so vivid I could feel the needles.

In the last stage, I was driving in my Subaru Outback, on the highway. The song 'Suicide Is Painless' by Nick Drake was playing extremely loudly, as if my headphones were on in real life and my iPod was turned all the way up. I came up to a bridge and realized that I was driving extremely fast. I crashed through the side of the bridge and began falling, when I thought to myself, 'Holy shit, I'm going to die... this is it.' Since I don't really believe in an afterlife, this was horribly frightening. I woke up with the falling feeling in my stomach and ran out of my room.

It scared the living shit out of me and I will never take it again.

Stay safe. Peace.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87735
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Dec 19, 2017Views: 1,195
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Pharms - Quetiapine (273) : Difficult Experiences (5), Medical Use (47), Hospital (36)

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