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Comfortable in Any Position I Lay
Citation:   Meader. "Comfortable in Any Position I Lay: An Experience with Cyclobenzaprine (exp87858)". May 9, 2019.

T+ 0:00
10 mg oral Pharms - Cyclobenzaprine
  T+ 1:00 1 smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
A Low Key Experience

0:00- Just took 10 mg of Flexeril I got from somebody. Don't expect too feel much, but it's my first time with any muscle
relaxant, so we'll see. I think I'm going to go play some crappy flash games and check back in fifteen minutes from now.

0:15- About 15 minutes now, starting to feel a very light 'high' like I might from a gram of pot or something. Kinda feel
lazy and stupid, but I usually do, so not much to report yet. I'm going to give it another 15 or so.

0:30- Nothing much yet. I may feel less aware of my body, less of a sense of touch, but it may also just be placebo.
I'll write again when it hits.

1:00- Don't feel anything... lame. Gunna go smoke a cig.

1:15- Still nothing. Just smoked, we'll see if that does anything for me.

1:30- Eh, don't really feel anything.
1:30- Eh, don't really feel anything.
Probably didn't take enough. Not any more tired than usual, but I'm going to bed. Will
report if anything happens.

12:00- upon laying down last night, I was immediately comfortable in any position I layed. This made sleeping very easy.
I DID wake up twice at random throughout the night, but was easily able to fall back asleep.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87858
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: May 9, 2019Views: 4,255
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Pharms - Cyclobenzaprine (267) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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