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Salvia divinorum (20x extract) & Cannabis
Citation:   Yankydoo. "Laughter: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (20x extract) & Cannabis (exp87890)". Mar 22, 2022.

  smoked Cannabis  
  1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
I have done Salvia a number of times before this experience, and a few more times since. I am submitting this experience specifically because I have not read one like it, usually the reports of Salvia I read are quite deep, or psychedelic and often quite intimidating. While I agree that Salvia trips can take such forms, I want to demonstrate that the drug can be enjoyable in a non-jarring way.

So with out further ado....

I was hanging out with my good friend in my bedroom, we had been smoking a bit of weed, which is what we usually do, but we had bought a pack of 20x salvia as a bit of a treat. In the past when I have used the drug, the effects have been that I lose control of certain muscles, my line of sight becomes unclear and strangely geometric, I become fixated on one specific thing, and my ability to think logically goes out the window. My experiences thus far had been introverted ones, where I was not very aware of or connected to the outside world.

This experience was quite different and not what I expected. I smoked one bowl of the salvia, quite small, but average for salvia standards. Held it in as long as I could and exhaled. I stretched out on my bed and felt as the effects began to take hold. My muscles began to feel tense as I lost control of them, but instead of the skewed vision which usually follows my mind grasped on to some vague joyous thought which took no logical form. Suddenly everything seemed indescribably hilarious to me, and then laughter began to stream from me without barely noticing it. My friend asked what was so funny, but there was no way I could describe it to him because everything seemed just too ridiculously funny to possibly put it in words. This was when I realized that I couldn't articulate any words, even though I wanted to, only laughter could escape my lungs, it was convulsive, like a reflex. The realization that all I could do was laugh made the laughter pour out in an even louder and more exhilarated tone, I must have truly looked mad. This lasted for about 5 minutes. The feeling of jubilance that I experienced was better than any movie or comical experience in real life. I have never felt such joy in laughter, honestly. Not being someone who is prone to laughter on a regular basis, this was wonderfully rewarding.

So, in conclusion Salvia can take me on different and unexpected paths, sometimes really innocent and joyous ones such as my experience.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87890
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Mar 22, 2022Views: 412
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Salvia divinorum (44), Cannabis (1) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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