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Outer Realms of Bizarre
Kratom, Ketamine & Cannabis
Citation:   kratomguy. "Outer Realms of Bizarre: An Experience with Kratom, Ketamine & Cannabis (exp87923)". Aug 22, 2018.

1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  3 Tbsp oral Kratom  
The night started in a local park, my friends and I had a joint each. We then went to meet the rest of our friends at a pub. I was really quite stoned from the joint, I was quite unsocial but I was happy sitting down in the warm pub. One of the people at the pub offered me and my friend some ketamine so we bought a fairly substantial line each and snorted them in the toilets.

I began to feel very strange, the dissasosciative aspects of the ketamine mixed bizzarely with the cannabis, I felt both light and heavy at the same time. Colours were all more vibrant and I was far more sociable. My friend then convinced me it was a good idea to have a couple of spoonfulls of kratom. I was unconvinced but went for it anyway to appease him. I had 3 tblspoons and he had 2. This made the night take a turn for the unbelievably bizare.

The feeling of light and heavy at the same time was exentuate 100fold, I felt like I weighed a tonne, but I was floating around the bar speaking to people, very very very slowly. I felt good but so so strange. I kept having to sit down for very long periods of time. I was accosted by several women who I did not know very well, I was unable to think of anything to say but I could not make my legs take me away and was trapped for several minutes in an awkward trap. I eventually got away and things started to calm down, I was able to function much better. Overall it was a worthwhile experience as it created the most unusual mindset I have encountered with drugs, but it will not be one I will repeat.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87923
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Aug 22, 2018Views: 1,746
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Ketamine (31), Kratom (203), Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Club / Bar (25)

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