A Professional White Male Walks Through Crack
Crack Cocaine
Citation:   WASP Crack Smoker. "A Professional White Male Walks Through Crack: An Experience with Crack Cocaine (exp88)". Erowid.org. Mar 8, 2001. erowid.org/exp/88

  smoked Crack (powder / crystals)
As a college-educated professional, I can afford many diverse and challanging hobbies. I love to ski, rollerblade, lift weights, play guitar, and travel. But my most challanging hobby is smoking crack. I moved to a new city three years ago for a great job that paid a ridiculously high salary. I had always smoked weed recreationally and when I ran out, I needed to find a new source in a new city. Being a danger-seeker, I went into the worst neighborhood in the city where you can buy any drug under the sun on every street corner. I found a guy who had twenties of weed and bought three. He also gave me two small clear bags with white rocks in them and told me it was a free sample. I knew what crack was and what it did but I had never tried it.

As soon as I got out of that neighborhood, I pulled out my bowl, loaded up some weed, and put one of the rocks on top. As I took several hits, I experienced the most intense high I will ever know. I sat in my car for the next hour sucking on that bowl like it was my best friend. I next went to an ATM and took out $100. I sped back to that same corner to the same guy who knew what I wanted as soon as he saw me. I spent the next 14 hours smoking crack. I spent the next week wishing away the days until Friday after work. I spent that entire weekend smoking $450 worth of crack.

I have smoked crack in every resturaunt, mall, concert, and sporting event in this city. I have smoked crack in several other states and even took some with me on my honeymoon to Hawaii. No one who knows me has the slightest clue that I spend at least four days a week driving into the ghetto buying crack. I know the dealers on the corner better than I know my own co-workers. The sad thing is that I have a great life and have everything to lose if I am caught by either the police or my wife. And one of these two things is inevitable because I can't see myself stopping. To anyone who is thinking of trying crack, all I can say is: don't. While I have the money and skill to support and conceal my habit, it is only a matter of time before it catches up with me because I can't stop.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 88
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 8, 2001Views: 26,302
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Crack (82) : Unknown Context (20), Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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