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Time Travel Through Music
Citation:   lemmy. "Time Travel Through Music: An Experience with LSD (exp88111)". Jan 13, 2020.

2 hits oral LSD
A brief history of my drug past would consist mostly of ecstasy and a lot of pot. I first started smoking pot in 2006 after a near fatal car accident. After multiple reconstructive surgeries I had no pain medication anymore they just stopped it abruptly. Over the past few years, only two things seem to be timeless. One is the pain, the other is through music!

Its november 2010 and I decided to venture into taking 2 hits of LSD. I began listening to a song called 'all around the world' by ATC, a song that has always been a favorite of mine in the techno realm. Suddenly I was at parties again, listening to that song while trying to keep my best friend afloat during her struggles in life, singing it karaoke that one time I was really drunk... This song has been in my life since before drugs were. To look at history using that song brought me back to the real world again. The friend I was helping through her struggles is having a baby in 2 weeks. One of my high school friends, who was extremely excited about her upcoming wedding next month, got dumped by her fiance tonight. These 2 friends both at times somewhat relied on me as their 'therapist'.

Earlier in the night I actually had first taken this acid in the hopes it might take away some pain.
I actually had first taken this acid in the hopes it might take away some pain.
While over the past couple years pain flare ups have came and went, I have NEVER had one so bad. I couldn't sleep I had been awake for nearly 2 days.

Now, 4 hours into my trip, I feel as if that pain may have been conquered for a while by the powerful psychedelia of LSD. As if my body finally decided to move on. I was fully planning on going to the local ER in the next 2 hours if that pain didn't go away. Now I'm pretty sure the ER trip has been put off until I finally get medical insurance at the end of the month. All because of 3 simple letters: LSD.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88111
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jan 13, 2020Views: 842
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LSD (2) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Alone (16)

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