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Awful Experiences with Fake Weed
Products - Spice and Synthetic Cannabinoids ('Big Bang')
Citation:   TerraCresta. "Awful Experiences with Fake Weed: An Experience with Products - Spice and Synthetic Cannabinoids ('Big Bang') (exp88129)". Nov 10, 2010.

  repeated smoked Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends
I am a 25 year old male who has been using marijuana at least a few times a week for about 4 years now. I recently heard of “fake weed” and got curious. At first, I checked it out at a head shop and decided against it. However, this week I took the plunge and grabbed a package of 'Big Bang', an 'herbal incense' similar to Spice, K2, etc etc. I had read up a little bit on the chemicals it contains and decided I could try it responsibly. Big mistake.

The first time I tried it, after 2 or 3 hits I began to feel really good, it almost reminded me of when I had first started smoking weed. I had this incredibly strong smile and felt really goofy and nice. That time was fine. But that same night, my girlfriend and I decided to smoke more while we played board games. We had music on and were sitting on the floor with the game “Racko” all spread out. We played for maybe an hour or so, taking hits here and there as we played. As we finished the last game we played that night, the experience started to go wrong.

I began to feel really nauseous, and started to get dizzy. I told my girlfriend I was gonna lay down and that I wasn’t feeling good. Soon after, I began to really feel my heartbeat getting stronger and faster. I felt tingling in my hands and partway up my arms. I sat up and started to get ready to go upstairs, telling my girlfriend I was getting really worried and describing my symptoms. She said I was losing my color and we both went upstairs. By now, I am in a panic and start scrambling around. I quickly start eating some peanuts, thinking maybe I need to get some food in my system. My girlfriend is panicking, and all the while I am trying to calm myself down but fighting thoughts about death and praying to God in my mind. It’s funny now that I read other testimonials, how many of them have bargained with God as well during similar episodes. During my time, I swore I would throw the rest of the packet away and never try it again. I sat down, trying to put on a blood pressure tester to see what my heart rate was. It still felt out of control, like my heart was moving around in my chest. I tried to focus on breathing but it was tough to keep my mind on it, even though it seemed to help.

I leaned into my girlfriend and hugged her, still praying that I’d make it through and trying to coach my body and help it fight the experience. I wondered how much of the problem was my fear, and if my imagination was heightening the physical problem. Eventually, I got really cold and started shivering, at which point my girlfriend and I went downstairs and I laid down under blankets. Eventually, the symptoms started to subside, and we went to bed. The next morning, I felt fine, but this wasn’t my last bad episode with the substance.

Even though I swore it off during my first bad experience, I chalked it up to overuse and fear, and decided to give it another try. I smoked it here and there for the next few days, and it went fine – until today. I got home and finished a typical size bowl that was packed from the day before, minus a few hits. Over the span of a few hour, I smoked most of what was left in the bowl, and ate and danced around all the while. Then, I started to feel weird again, and this time I was alone. I decided to hop in the shower, as planned, and hoped I had not stepped over the threshold. In the shower, I began to once again feel my chest pounding and dizziness set in. I exited the shower and laid down, having an almost identical experience. This time, maybe a little lighter on the physical side (no shivers), but just as much fear and a notion of God’s presence, complete with bargaining and pleading for my life. This, coupled with a feeling of stupidity and shame for trying the chemical AGAIN. I laid down and waited for the effect to pass. One attempt at getting up caused the heart feeling to worsen again and I laid down for another 10-15 minutes.

I am now truly turned off of synthetic weed. Yes, it produces an almost identical feeling as weed, but it is VERY EASY to overdo it, and this is coming from a 235/240 pound male who’s been smoking for a sec. These experiences don’t stop me from smoking weed, but I would not recommend Spice or any other fake weed product as a replacement. The effect and legality of it is NOT NOT NOT NOT worth the possibility of a bad trip, or possible future problems.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88129
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Nov 10, 2010Views: 13,703
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Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends (472) : Bad Trips (6), Various (28)

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