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A Lot More Than I'd Expect
by KbAb
Citation:   KbAb. "A Lot More Than I'd Expect: An Experience with Mullein (exp88200)". Jun 20, 2020.

1 cig. smoked Mullein (dried)
I had ordered mullein leaf as a filler for my home made 'spice' and after I made a batch I had so much of the packet left I thought I'd roll a cigarette out of it. 78mm roller and paper, filter used, packed tightly, I'm guessing I used about 1-1.5g total. I rolled it tightly, packed the cigarette on a counter, and pulled out my zippo and lit it.

The smoke is right in between moderately harsh and extremely smooth. I'd taken too big a hit a few times and coughed for a good minute each time. But when there was about 2cm left for the leaf to hit the filter I decided to call it a day.

Nothing happened at all for 20 minutes, I normally smoke smaller amounts to clear lungs [yes this is confusing but mullein has been used for 1000s of years for asthma]. Then all of a sudden *BAM* I'm running into walls, laughing at my dog staring at me, and as tired as if I hadn't slept in 36 hours. This hit very fast and hard.

For the next half hour I was on my computer listening to The Foxboro Hot Tubs which seemed so much more amazing while under the influence of mullein. I had previously deemed it amazing but this time it was just so good I got up and partied for a good 20 minutes just dancing randomly in my room.

The next 40 or so minutes were less interesting but nonetheless fun. I began a slow trail off at this point with a VERY slight headache (not much worse than someone throwing a quarter at my head) which went away very quickly. At this point I noticed my computer screen is VERY bright and almost blinding.

After another 25 minutes the effects were gone. Wow, that's all I could really say to something I can buy 2oz of for $4 or a pound for $10. It was slightly similar to cannabis but obviously nothing will compare perfectly to the green goddess.

All in all, this was the biggest surprise I've had in years. I will surely bring it anywhere I'm worried about getting caught using marijuana.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88200
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jun 20, 2020Views: 2,144
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Mullein (497) : General (1), Alone (16)

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