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I Am Struggling Somewhat
Citation:   EAAS. "I Am Struggling Somewhat: An Experience with Cocaine (exp88310)". Apr 29, 2020.

  insufflated 2-hydroxycocaine
I have done cocaine about 7 times in a 10 week period (usually on a saturday night and the most was 5 lines in a night) at my current age, 22. Although it is not a significant amount and was done in a short period, I do crave the 'high' quite often, now being off the drug for several weeks. I've had one bad experience where I did a line and it felt contaminated, or laced with something else, and I was a paranoid maniac that night. Other than that, which was not using the drug in its 'purist' form, I did thoroughly enjoy the high I was getting during my 10 week (light) exposure to the drug.

What has been frightening for me since is the fact that I am nowhere near being categorized as a 'chronic' user yet still think about the high (even though I am not chasing the high). As such, I devote a lot of time reinforcing messages in my head that I should not pursue the drug again...for the obvious reason that it's dangerous and damaging.

At the end of the day cocaine is merely giving me an artificial high. Furthermore, this high is not sustainable. I am ashamed to admit that I am struggling somewhat still with such a minimal use of the drug.

On a final note, I am an emerging athlete and scholar which have been the sites for the conditions to make cocaine use undesirable for me.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88310
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Apr 29, 2020Views: 775
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Cocaine (13) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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