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Citation:   hotelvoodoo. "Unexpected: An Experience with 2C-E (exp88368)". Feb 16, 2011.

2 oral 2C-E (capsule)
I had been curious about trying psychadelics for a couple of years before I actually set out to choose one. My experience with drugs is extremely minimal. I've smoked marijuana twice...and that's all. I always thought I'd be a bad candidate for psychadelics because I had been diagnosed with panic disorder a few years earlier. However, when I met my boyfriend, an experienced tripper, he told me that it might actually be good for me.

So the night before Halloween we settled on 2C-I, which we had left over from my boyfriend's heavy drug days in the house. He wasn't necessarily sure that that's what it was, but according to him the pills were either 2C-I or 2C-B. One of our friends had taken one a week before and had weighed on the 2C-I side, and she and my boyfriend agreed that this would be a good first trip for me to take. My boyfriend agreed to babysit me just in case I had a panic attack or tried to do something stupid, and we settled into the apartment for the evening.

I took the first pill at around 7:30 pm, and after about an hour we decided to go buy pumpkins. At one point, I felt a kind of joy in my hand and later in my thigh, but nothing ever came of it. By 9:20 we were back at the apartment and we were fairly certain that what I had taken wasn't going to kick in. I was frustrated. I felt that the one time in my life I had chosen to take a risk something should have come of it. So my boyfriend opened up another capsule from the same bag and dissolved it in a shotglass of limeade. I took a couple of limeade shots to make sure I got all of the powder.

Almost an hour later we had replaced our fluorescent kitchen bulbs with black lights and again I thought nothing would come of it. We were playing with neon shoe laces and a ribbon wand in the kitchen when all of a sudden I felt a surge of emotion and burst into hysterical tears. The trip kicked in like a roller coaster after that. I experienced intense waves of emotion and tears for the first hour or so, feeling hot and cold and generally filled with warm feelings. I listened to Big Gigantic and Shiny Toy Guns and played with my hoop which felt like water running over my hand. I played with things in the blacklight and had trouble reading. We left the apartment and walked to the playground of our complex. I brought the hoop with me, and wound up keeping it with me the entire night, and it acted as my lifeline to reality. I loved the feeling of the night and the air and suddenly any path we took felt like something in a fairytale. I no longer considered things, I simply said 'yes I would like to' or 'I don't think I would like to,' and that was exactly what we did. I couldn't shut myself up and kept talking. I realize now that I conceived of my boyfriend as just another part of my personality and felt like I was just talking to myself out loud. The large bush at the playground was very clearly defined, beautifully so given my bad eyesight. We went back to the apartment where I started to peak.

Feelings were quite different and I couldn't stop petting my little dog who had the softest fur ever. The visuals kicked in pretty fiercely then. The walls were breathing and the vents in the ceiling were crawling along. Everything was undulating and radiating tiny auras of color like an oil spill. Some things became endlessly fascinating. I found myself wondering about the difference between real, raw pumpkins and carved plastic ones, and I even thought at one point there was a whole world within the plastic one, but was disappointed to find that there was not. I imagined everything as a seperate world, every choice as another reality I could manuever in and out of. We were asked to go to a party about half an hour away, but decided to have sex before we left. The visuals at this point were so strong I had difficulty concentrating. The kandi on my arm was pulsing and moving around, and the world became like an episode of Gumby, moving like stop animation. At one point my fingers turned into snakes and then my hand fell off and the snakes crawled away. If I closed my eyed all I saw were colorful machines on a black background. Everything was wonderful. And none of it scared me. I enjoyed myself, and didn't react to any of the new sensations or visions with fear.

We went to the party afterwards and I didn't like being in the car. The world felt like it was moving around our car as we stood still. It made me rather ill. In fact, I was becoming more and more aware of how nauseous I was at the time. Bassnectar and Kuedo's musical personas became feelings on the car ride over, warm, sexual, and knowing. As I felt ill I chose not to look out the window and shut my eyes for much of the ride. We were not at the party long before I started to come down. The grass looked like spinning letters which would occasionally jerk back into the reality of the way the grass looks. Our friend had a python and the snakes movements would change between jerky and fast and normal, slow, and methodical. Everyone else in the house was tripping and I didn't want to be there any more. I went out to the lawn to play with my hoop and found myself a little afraid during this bumpy ride back to reality. When my boyfriend came to check on me I asked him if we could go home, that I felt weird and would prefer to be somewhere I knew was safe. The ride home felt like it lasted for hours during which I felt hideously ill and increasingly more panicked.

I was so happy to be home at around 3:00 am. My boyfriend was really tired and suggested we finally get some sleep. We put on a movie and lay back. My panic levels spiked and it felt like my body would kill itself just to sleep and let my brain zoom on. It was awful. I was crying uncontrollably and shaking, my body exhausted at this point. My boyfriend woke up momentarily and handed me a Xanax, telling me to take one to put me to sleep. I did so and lay awake for another hour or so, just hoping to go to bed. Eventually, around five in the morning, I did. I woke up the next morning completely fine.

All in all, I would call the trip a very positive experience and am looking forward to doing it again. Since then we figured out that the pills were actually 2C-E, which provided me with a much more psychadelic experience than the 2C-I would have, but I wouldn't have changed a thing.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88368
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Feb 16, 2011Views: 4,718
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2C-E (137) : First Times (2), Various (28)

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