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Too Prosaic to Be Fun
Citation:   Freki. "Too Prosaic to Be Fun: An Experience with Quetiapine (exp88531)". Jan 21, 2021.

150 - 400 mg oral Pharms - Quetiapine (daily)
    oral Pharms - Venlafaxine (daily)
I am somewhat puzzled by it people taking seroquel without a prescription/recreationally. My experience is prosaic but I think it is worth sharing. Basically I have Bipolar 1 and was prescribed seroquel to control my symptoms.

The first time I had it I actually nicked it out of my family’s medicine cabinet. I took 25mgs and that helped take the edge of my agitation and angst – didn’t knock me out at all, just felt slightly more sane. I told my psychiatrist about it a few days later and she prescribed me 100mg tablets (for 150mg a day dose plus lithium and Effexor) and told me I would need to stay home for a few days to get used to the drug.

The first time I took 100mg I found it incredibly difficult to stay awake – it was pleasant but not too interesting. After a few days I didn’t really feel tired when I took it but I noticed the drug kick in, and was aware of being on it. I was also aware of being off it – the half life of seroquel is very similar to ecstasy – about 4-6 hours – so I kept taking it every 5 hours or so (initially 50mgs at a time) so that I was always “on it”. About two months after starting on 150mgs my dose was increased to 400mg a day (and I stopped taking lithium). I’ve been on this dose for a month or two and cannot even feel it when I take one – although 200mg at night does help me sleep. I am told that people with schizophrenia and Bipolar (1) are able to take large doses of it – this probably explains why I hardly felt it when I first took 25mgs. In contrast I gave a third of a 100mg tablet to a friend (so about 30mgs) and he told me he has never tried so hard to stay awake (he was on a train going home when it kicked in) – once he got home he went to sleep immediately and slept soundly all night. I know someone else who is prescribed 25mgs (for insomnia) and he says he wakes up feeling groggy the next morning, even on that low dose.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88531
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: Jan 21, 2021Views: 627
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Pharms - Quetiapine (273) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Medical Use (47), Not Applicable (38)

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