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Horrible Experience With Cloud Ultra 10
Spice and Synthetic Cannabinoids ('Cloud Ultra 10')
Citation:   Theologian. "Horrible Experience With Cloud Ultra 10: An Experience with Spice and Synthetic Cannabinoids ('Cloud Ultra 10') (exp88578)". Dec 7, 2010.

5 shots oral Alcohol - Hard
  1 bowl smoked Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends
I have used synthetic smoking products a total of about a dozen times. However, my last experience using one will be my last. I had begun my evening on Friday with 5 shots of Jim Beam, straight. Was not experiencing any type of paranoia or bad vibes at all that evening. About two hours after I began drinking I decided to use some of my Cloud Ultra 10 that I had purchased about a week prior to this experience. This was my third time using this particular product. After taking about four decently sized hits, within minutes I completely shifted into a terrorizing experience. I have ample experience using hallucinogens, particularly in my teens and early twenties, and have used other 'real' hallucinogens over 300 times in my life, but this experience ranked at the top of one of the top five worst events in my life.

My heart began pounding to a degree that it was frightening, so I got up and walked around the house to try to do normal activities to get my mind off of it. Simple things suddenly became quite confusing and almost terrifying. I could not figure out how to even put a CD into my stereo. I also was shivering and extremely cold even though it was actually quite warm inside my house. I literally did not feel like I was in my right mind. It was worse than even a bad trip on LSD. I felt as if I was not even myself and something else was moving me around on auto-pilot. I went and sat in my car for some reason having a strong desire to listen to a certain Phish show that I love. Just making it down the steps and getting into my car was extremely difficult. Once I got into my car I became even more frightened and confused.

Immediately came back inside the house and decided to take a shower to see if that would calm my fear. I honestly felt as if I had lost my mind and it would never come back, and I could not regain composure of my thoughts whatsoever. Within seconds of being in the shower I felt the desire to get out but could not even figure out how to open up the shower door. I ended up shoving it open and it came off the hinges (which took an hour the next day to fix).

After that I'm not really sure what happened. I know I went to the couch and I believe the alcohol did its thing and made me fall asleep. I woke up about two hours later completely fine. Heart-rate normal, completely coherent; it was actually very, very strange how peaceful I felt when I awoke compared to only two hours earlier. I enjoyed the rest of my evening and went to bed several hours later.

Overall, the experience was simply too terrifying for me to try any of these synthetic products again. That, coupled with the newly enacted DEA notice of intent to schedule have sealed my decision permanently. I would not recommend anyone using the products as they seem to be too unpredictable.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88578
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Dec 7, 2010Views: 12,095
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Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends (472) : Combinations (3), Bad Trips (6), Alone (16)

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