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West Coast Crap
Heroin (Black Tar)
Citation:   0PlAT3D. "West Coast Crap: An Experience with Heroin (Black Tar) (exp88592)". Erowid.org. Aug 18, 2020. erowid.org/exp/88592

200 mg IV Heroin (tar / resin)
I got picked up by a friend, we went a bought some black tar heroin. Just the usual for my town in Northern California. The heroin was completely black and was very sticky and smelt strongly of vinegar.

Next step, put it in my spoon with some water. Heat it till it completely dissolves.The smell when cooking smells absolutely wonderful and makes me excited to try it. I drop a bit of a filter of a cigarette... an old junkie trick. The cotton swells up and I draw the solution into my syringes. Its not even a liquid its sort of a sappy black thick mixture. I pick one of the remaining good veins on my right arm, I tie my arm and pump my fist till I see the vein staring at me. I put the syringe into my arm, always aiming at the heart. I pull back the plunger when I am in the vein. I can't even see my blood go into the syringe making it extremely hard to see if I am even in. I see sort of a plum color mix with the blackness and I don't see any bubbles so I assume I am good to go. I push down and lay on my bed and listen to a relaxing song by the electronic group called edIT. All of a sudden I feel a tingling in my back and it moves through my whole body. I let out a sigh and I am in my dream world. No problems in my head now. Heroin really does make the sun shine in my soul.

Overall I would prefer to do Dilaudid (hydromorphone) or the crappy tar we get in Northern California that comes from Mexico. Black tar has more legs then Dilaudid so I feel loaded but it really doesn't compare to the rush of Dilaudid.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88592
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Aug 18, 2020Views: 1,009
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Heroin (27) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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