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Depersonalization Anxiety
by lyxh
Citation:   lyxh. "Depersonalization Anxiety: An Experience with Cannabis (exp88727)". Oct 14, 2020.

5 hits vaporized Cannabis (plant material)
I am not much of a drug user at all. I had smoked weed a few times before this, but other than that, nothing. I had never been as freaked out as I was on this occasion.

It was a Friday and me and my friend were bored. So we made a few phone calls and figured out that a few of his friends were hanging out and getting high. They invited us over. When we got there, we walked into the back room and bought a few grams of typical mids. Nothing special. They had a volcano vaporiser for us to use, which was really neat. I had never used one before. We loaded it up and turned it on. The bag began to inflate and fill with a very light vapor, which I thought was unusual because normally the smoke from cannabis is very cloudy and distinctly white.

We took turns taking hits until the bag was empty. In retrospect, I definitely underestimated how much THC I was taking in. Apparently inhaling the vapor is much more potent than smoking the traditional way. After 5 minutes or so, I was feeling good. A bit light headed and dizzy, but nothing unusual. Then it hit me like a truck. I immediately lost sense of who I was, or where I was. Confusion overtook me. I stood up and asked my friend to come take a walk with me. I was trying to act cool and collected, but it was difficult. I felt like I was teetering on the edge of insanity, like I would never snap back to reality again. I had the urge to run out the door and scream.

Luckily it was a warm night, so we weren't uncomfortable walking around the block a few times. As we were walking, I kept getting the odd sensation of zoning out, then snapping back, zoning out again, snapping back again. I couldn't believe my friend was able to act so normal and carry a conversation. The most unnerving part, though, was the depersonalisation. The overwhelming feeling that I was in a dream, despite knowing that I was not. Some call it the 'movie theater effect' because it seems very much like your mind is seeing the world through a TV screen. I began to question whether anything I experience is real, even when I'm sober. After walking and talking about these random thoughts in my head for 15 minutes, I completely forgot where we were, and how to get back to his friend's house. Somehow he had maintained his sense of direction and told me to follow him.

Once we got back, his friend asked us to help her with Halloween decorations. At this point, it'd had been about an hour since we got there, and I was beginning to come down. We were putting up fake spider webs on the porch, and I was amazed at how absorbed I was in this task. Usually when I get high, I like to mope around, eat, and just stare at things. But I found it impossible to stop working until we were done.

Overall, the first half of the trip was extremely frightening, but undoubtedly due to the fact that I inhaled way too much. It was very cloudy and confusing. The second half was much more enjoyable, not only because it was less intense than the coming-up phase, but because I was getting used to it, and the feeling of depersonalisation and derealisation was wearing off. I guess if there's anything I've learned, it's that it's better to do my research and know what to expect. To this day I still experience chronic DP.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88727
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Oct 14, 2020Views: 578
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Post Trip Problems (8), Various (28)

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